Nice Donuts win last night!

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  • #100347
    DQ2017 WANTED $20

    Hit this last night on Donuts in the base on a £1 spin. Just casually rolled it in. Imagine that on a multiplier in the bonus (which is why it would never happen ?) had a measly x18 bonus a few spins before, was just about to think fuck it and move on, glad I didn’t!

    DQ2017 WANTED $20

    It’s not letting me insert the image for some reason ? it was a 500 x win from a load of fudge donuts!

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    Another excellent Donuts base win ????

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    DQ2017 wrote:

    load of fudge donuts!

    Ha fudge donuts….. love it, I never realised they were flavoured

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