New Fobt £2

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  • #58678
    Smig WANTED $23

    I was in the bookies putting an accu on and there was a guy going absolutely mental at the poor girl behind the counter saying its his f*cking money and he should be able to bet whatever he likes, it must be like going cold turkey for some people

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Feel sorry for the girls behind the counter in bookies , must be awful sometimes . What the fuck is she meant to do .

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Smig wrote:

    I was in the bookies putting an accu on and there was a guy going absolutely mental at the poor girl behind the counter saying its his f*cking money and he should be able to bet whatever he likes, it must be like going cold turkey for some people

    I could imagine..The folks who lost a shit load at the weekend, and then being told they can’t bet their usual ?

    It’s for the best though… ?

    k6kaysix WANTED $51

    Think a few brown envelopes have been sent to the press outlets, very little news coverage…I mean bla bla Brexit but still!

    Although they have been rumbled with their ‘virtual cycling’ or ‘pick and 36’ nonsense!

    Centurion still has £2 fortune spins, either a 1 in 5 average chance of the wheel or a 2x wins 1 in 10 chance…not blatant at all really!

    Gecksy WANTED $17

    So what’s the max spin on a slot now when it was £2 before ?

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Smig wrote:

    I was in the bookies putting an accu on and there was a guy going absolutely mental at the poor girl behind the counter saying its his f*cking money and he should be able to bet whatever he likes, it must be like going cold turkey for some people

    You’d think he’d be grateful when he got home but i bet he wasn’t.

    Smig WANTED $23

    nah i doubt it, he must of been a bad addict not being able to get his fix, i had a little go the 2 quid a spin on roulette stopped it being exciting so im hoping that will stop people getting addicted


    Patty1974 WANTED $37

    Smig wrote:

    nah i doubt it, he must of been a bad addict not being able to get his fix, i had a little go the 2 quid a spin on roulette stopped it being exciting so im hoping that will stop people getting addicted


    After seeing a few clips of how the roulette works….who the hell will play them? This might be the best thing to happen for the people who have ploughed thousands into these machines. Hopefully they won’t go online and blow their money on there. ?  No doubt the bookies will try and figure it out.

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