Mental Health

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    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Evening all,

    So, majority of us now have battles with mental health. Recently I’ve been fine then huge huge lows, that I can’t control.

    Wondering what tactics other people use to help them? What works etc, plus it might help some others too.



    argyl53 WANTED $419

    What kind of mental health issues are we talking here; anxiety, depression…?

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Depression mainly. Use to be anxious but that’s very rare, and random. But depression, huge lows, just trying to google some tips and ask about.

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Well I find getting outside and doing some physical activity, even if it’s just a walk, helps me best when I get a depressive relapse. Also drawing/sketching, although I’m terrible at it, I find it very relaxing and a way to get my emotions under control.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Force go out mate, even if you don’t want to just go for a walk.

    I find having a dog really helps me if I’m having a bad time; she’s always wanting to go for walks or play in the house.

    Dc39 WANTED $74

    A change of routine, set yourself achievable goals and progress to challenge yourself a little more, an act of kindness, no little how the gesture. Plenty of sleep too, stimulate the brain!

    What I would say, and dont take this the wrong way mate, but a gambling environment wont help, the lows massively outweigh the highs in any form of gambling! Its a very stressful environment! Dont be afraid to speak out and ask for help! Soo many good options no matter how trapped u may feel at times


    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Love the replies and thanks for the advice all. Defo starting on walks – and I should take more sleep that’s for sure. I don’t gamble now, signed up to GAMSTOP, but bandits community and videos etc help a lot.

    I do agree it adds stress etc, I’m now with stepchange sadly my payments are still high though and quite unachievable so i’ll have to up the overtime etc. That’s what my rant the other day was about, it seems when things are wrong, stupid stuff like my tv and laptop break, obviously with my finances I can’t afford to replace, so I’m stuck in my room with just a phone, adds to my pressures etc.

    However, I do have a roof over my head. I’m grateful for that.


    massive thanks to the replies

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Fill your time bud. Best advice I can give. Literally fill your time jam packed so you never have time alone and starting drifting into bad thoughts. Don’t have enough hobbies or things to do? Take up new hobbies! There’s millions of things out there to try. Never say “I can’t”, anyone can. Everything is a choice.

    Alongside this, make sure you stay fit with exercise – I know walks have already been mentioned. Eat healthily also. A healthy diet really helps for a healthy mind.

    If you struggle sleeping, try meditation techniques. Plenty of apps out there that can help with this sort of thing if you’re not sure where to look.

    And finally, if you ever want a chat, just ask. No one is alone when it comes to depression, it seems all too common these days, so we need to work together!

    All the best,

    bobibopo WANTED $9

    Seeing friends and finding a hobby you enjoy are my recommendations. As biohazard said, filling your time can be great to keep the mind focused and not stress.  I used to get stuck in downward spiral that were really hard to break out of, it took some big changes to get out of them.

    I recently have taken up pottery to learn something new that is pretty relaxing.

    Depression has no easy fix, it can be a long road with a lot of small improvements over time.  Took me many year and some therapy to control my world.

    Hope you keep well.




    Get to your GP.

    Get a mental health check.

    If you have depression there the only people that can help.

    McSplooger WANTED $18

    Been there myself many times over. Gambling because you’re depressed but depressed because you’re gambling too much. It’s a vicious circle. I used therapy to overcome it, speak to someone over at Gamcare and you can go speak to a therapist for free in your local area 0808 8020 133. Would echo what others say though and find a hobby, I use gaming as my outlet now when I want to blow off steam. There’s always hope my man!

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    I suffer with both anxiety and depression, it’s horrible and you’re not alone mate.

    Like others have said excercising and getting out the house for a bit does wonders. Music also really helps me if I’m feeling low I’ll stick on some uplifting music and sing along until I’m feeling like my normal self again, my neighbours are probably sick of hearing Bobby Mcferrin by now haha.    Phoning a mate and having a chit chat can help a lot too or going around to hang out and having a few drinks normally puts me in a great mood.

    Depression is a bitch though, you feel bad for sitting around just contemplating and thinking about things and it’s really hard to give yourself that push when you’re feeling that low but you just have to throw yourself into an activity even if you don’t feel like it at the time.

    Wishing you the best though mate, you can beat this!

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Hello, i’ll be quick as i can and i don’t normally tell anyone, usually keep it in the family (ooh err missus). i don’t get depressed at all, im quite happy 90 percent of the time, i get a bit bored from time to time but nothing major, but i have something called agoraphobia, which seems to have started when i was at school but took til way later to figure out what was wrong, been to docs, clinics, had tabs, but nothing worked, it just comes and goes when it likes. I used to go out with some friends in their cars, but then it started to get to only going when it went dark and now, most of them are either married or moved away and some aren’t with us anymore, so now i don’t go anywhere, and yet im as happy as bandit on reel king 🙂     As i see it, there are millions worse off than me and who wants to go out in this crazy world anyway hehe…

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Ive suffered quite terribly with anxiety and depression for years and i did what you should never do. I escaped reality. It started with weed and beer as a way of escape but that soon spiralled into a whole list of self destructive behaviours gambling being the worst and carried on for years.. everytime i sank all my money into a casino or drank till I was sick I would never care as in my mind death/suicide was just around the corner so fuck it… then I got so into drugs and drink that I lost all control over everything and would spend days or weeks totally wasted, i ended up in a coma after totalling a van during a black out. After that near death experience I started to realise how sacred life is and began to change, I still have problems but I’m so much better now (still drink smoke and gamble but all in moderation and nothing more) but my advice is to do as you’ve done and talk to people, don’t bottle it up and self medicate with things that feel like escape like I did.. unless you want to end up scarred and broken with a dicky arm and a constant craving like me.

    The worst part is I come from the most supportive family and if I had just spoken to them instead of trying to cope alone all of that would never have happened.

    Sorry for the sob story but I do feel it’s important to mention as sometimes escaping seems like the only thing to do but it truly is short term gain for long term pain.



    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Thanks for all the replies. I’ll take notes from you all, and try implement it with me.

    Tonight I feel so down, just trapped in my room, literally just laying here. Went on a walk earlier but don’t drive to get about, and not much round where I am. Just work and lay here. Horrible.

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