Losing 15 hands in a row in blackjack

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    syebotext WANTED $1

    Well today I managed to spunk 150$ on computer blackjack what are the odds of losing 15 hands in a row literally. Sometimes I really think that computer blackjack is mega rigged :/

    It was play and go Multihand blackjack if anyone wants to know…

    PsychicSnail WANTED $111

    I’m not sure the odds of winning any given hand, but it’s close to 50%. I’ve only GCE maths, but I think the odds of losing 15 consecutive hands would be approximately 1 in 16,000 (given that the first loss to start the sequence is 100% likely).

    Given the number of players and hands dealt, this would probably happen multiple times each day.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    Offf tough brother, Lady Luck was in the bathroom for a few hours by the sound of it

    bobbkos WANTED $19

    Well if you argue you have the same odds as black/red in roulette then the odds would be 49,423 to 1.

    However, this is gamblers fallacy. Each spin is independent of one another so your odds on each were 1/2.

    bleachy WANTED $6

    bobbkos wrote:

    Well if you argue you have the same odds as black/red in roulette then the odds would be 49,423 to 1.

    However, this is gamblers fallacy. Each spin is independent of one another so your odds on each were 1/2.


    I have been on the receiving end of 10 or 15 straight losing hands before however, I have also been on the receiving end of a 12+ run of winning hands.

    It’s all down to whether the box is hot or not 🙂

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    Very unlucky… I think I had the same kind of streak once before. One day you’ll hit 15 in a row and feel on top of the world ?

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    It’s 50/50. You either win or you lose. In all seriousness the chances of it happening is irrelevant as cards don’t remmeber what has happened in past events. If you had said what’s the odds the next 15 hands I play I lose then we could work out the maths dependant on how you play blackjack and under what rule set and give you the odds. Asking for odds after the fact is moot. Like xbob said if you carry on playing for an infinite amount of time you will 100% win 15 in a row. If you played a infinite amount of time at some point you would win and lose 100 in a row. It’s just really hard for people to fathom such a unlikely event which is why so many people go busto doing the martingale strategy.

    thereelslotgrinder WANTED $4

    Remember, Blackjack has an RTP of about 99.41% if played correctly….and people think they should be winning all the time on a slot with RTP of 97%, which is almost 5 times worse…

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