Just done me nuts in

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    billyn123 WANTED $10

    £575 on blackjack turned into an absolute travesty. no its not a beg just somewhere to come and chat. what a silly stupid decision thats left me with 3p in my bank until friday. wounded.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    billyn123 wrote:

    £575 on blackjack turned into an absolute travesty. no its not a beg just somewhere to come and chat. what a silly stupid decision thats left me with 3p in my bank until friday. wounded.

    Ahh mate …….gutted for you ….fuck theres not much you can say .. you got any support around you???? How did it go  down ? Was it a nightmare from the start ?

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Sorry to hear this 🙁 have you considered putting deposit/loss limits on your account? If you feel like you’re not in control anymore, I would consider gamstop. Just give yourself a bit of time to get your head around what’s happened. You don’t want to get the urge to deposit again on friday, to lose your money again for the following week. You’ll end up getting in debt from having to borrow. I hope you feel a little bit more level headed now its had a few hours to sink in.

    billyn123 WANTED $10

    Thanks for the messages. Just the good old chasing the losses in a couple of days I’ll have it wiped from my head just a pity I ended up in the rut really. I do realise it’s something I think you have to go through and is majorly beneficial to me in the future to never spend as much again. Thanks for the messages the both of you

    Jk90 WANTED $25

    If you can try suspend your account for a few weeks or set a deposit limit so when you get paid next it won’t happen again

    Ezekiel2517 WANTED $15

    Sucks man, I’m going to guess it’s not the first time so like most of us when it happens you always find a way to eek through, defo follow the above advice.

    Avernite WANTED $23

    Blackjack is my ruin too mate. Take it as an expensive lesson, and set those limits! Cost me over 5 figures in debt last year, with only a few K to go now. I can tell you first hand how piss miserable it is to have that stress over your head while you can barely afford to live week by week. Hope you get past this 🙂

    billyn123 WANTED $10

    Yeah I am doing its about time I curve the slots and Blackjack for a long time bet free february is on the horizon

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