I am an addict.

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  • #22229
    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    The shivers have set in. my body is shaking.i crave, i desire. how much longer can i go on?

    It calls me.. where is it.. give it to me. i need the addiction, that is..

    A Bandit Video !




    Ha , yes.. i know he’s on a well deserved break, and i really hope he has a big foot into buying a house. No other streamer, or bonus compilation comes close. He’s like Coke, and everything else is Pepsi Max. 🙂



    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Coming soon matey – hopefully tomorrow i will again sit at the computer and have a play on some normal staked slots haha, that being in the £2 – £3 region for me. I do still have £4k trapped in Videoslots which is a bit of a pain but i’m hoping it is going to come out soon!

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