How amazing is Bandit ?

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  • #23816
    Mr B WANTED $395

    Yea I know… but this week has been very good for me and it all started with the man himself.

    Thought I was getting a casual big up on the sunday donations video. Didn’t read the title, so had no idea what was coming. As some of you know, it wasn’t just a shout out. He dedicated the bonus to me (aswell as others and two charities) in the video. I was first so again, there was no sign he was gonna do that, although he knew the plan from the get go.

    I thought he won me about £40, chuffed. Turned out it was £75. And OH NO, that’s not good enough he said. £200 bonus guarantee. FFS I was so shocked.

    I am literally a small time player since i was a kid. My income is never great so like many, when big money is lost, over whatever period of time, on a slot, it grinds the old gears and I came here and started a thread about it, wondering if anyone else (in hindsight, silly to wonder) has the same or similar experiences.

    That £200 came in very useful as next month the brum brum is due MOT so instead of gambling, I went and did my shopping for the month, bought some painting materials, canvasses and of course, paint. Topped up car with some war fuel, bought some baccy and was left with about £40.

    Off I went to videoslots and put half in, other half to my skyvegas account. See what happens.

    Had a few wins on SV, withdrew £30, decided to concentrate on VS. Did well, managed to withdraw odds and sods, bits and bobs until I had £190 to come out, approved. Played loads of things, even went back to the fooking captain and still haven’t hit it yet !!!!

    Got fed up, went to cash stax. Down to £80 I had to play with.. played it 50p spins, it was active but being a brute when it bonused, paying £2.50 and then a huge whopping zero. Down to £40 so I thought, well, I have done extremely well, lets go big bets. First £20, nothing. Second £20… OMFG

    Got to over £250 and then hit the huge x5 spins by filling up the meter to 22spins. it dropped in 2 lines of 7s, ended paying out £828.

    And it’s all thanks to you Mr Bandit.

    Withdrawals approved, therefore locked. Money going to useful purposes. Donation to soup kitchen goes today. Which was happening with offset shopping money when I got paid last night.

    I wish you all good fortune on your slotting. (pic submitted to bigwins, video evidence on my phone too, when i realised I hit x5)

    Mr B WANTED $395

    OMG look what finally came in ! Result to follow.

    Mr B WANTED $395

    To paraphrase you Bandit
    “Don’t hurt yourself running head first into an oncoming bullet train going flat out”

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Awesome mate! Been a great week for you by the sound of it!

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Yeah it was really nice thing to do . And has giveaways go think it was a good idea .

    Scatterpain WANTED $8

    Great news. It shows you that the generosity from one person that does not even know you can change your week! Then you pass that on to the donation to the soup kitchen! I withdrew from my bonanza hits, ended up £400 up. Donation made to mind charity and a charity recently set up for my friend who committed suicide back in May. He was a well known signer, so the donations have been great to the charity in his name!

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Yep, I think it’s important for people to remember no other streamer gives back to viewers the way Steve does. The last bonus donations weren’t even specifically for people who signed up via affiliate links, so no one can accuse The Bandit of somehow profiting from this; he straight up just gave away money he could have kept for himself. Everyone, winners or not, should take a moment to appreciate the significance that.

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    @Mr B if it makes you feel any better, I once had a 10 spin Venture bonus which paid literally nothing except the trigger, so yours isnt the worst result I’ve ever seen. It is very unlucky though.

    Ramm WANTED $32

    Mr B wrote:

    To paraphrase you Bandit “Don’t hurt yourself running head first into an oncoming bullet train going flat out”

    The dream of bonusing venture far outweighed the reality lol

    Danish Viking WANTED $2

    Don`t no Bandit if this is the right place to post this comment, but I just saw your big win on Book of Dead on Youtube. BIG congrats! It will only be in my dreams to win that kind of money, as I will never be able to play on such high stakes.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Mr B wrote:

    Yea I know… but this week has been very good for me and it all started with the man himself.

    Thought I was getting a casual big up on the sunday donations video. Didn’t read the title, so had no idea what was coming. As some of you know, it wasn’t just a shout out. He dedicated the bonus to me (aswell as others and two charities) in the video. I was first so again, there was no sign he was gonna do that, although he knew the plan from the get go.

    I thought he won me about £40, chuffed. Turned out it was £75. And OH NO, that’s not good enough he said. £200 bonus guarantee. FFS I was so shocked.

    I am literally a small time player since i was a kid. My income is never great so like many, when big money is lost, over whatever period of time, on a slot, it grinds the old gears and I came here and started a thread about it, wondering if anyone else (in hindsight, silly to wonder) has the same or similar experiences.

    That £200 came in very useful as next month the brum brum is due MOT so instead of gambling, I went and did my shopping for the month, bought some painting materials, canvasses and of course, paint. Topped up car with some war fuel, bought some baccy and was left with about £40.

    Off I went to videoslots and put half in, other half to my skyvegas account. See what happens.

    Had a few wins on SV, withdrew £30, decided to concentrate on VS. Did well, managed to withdraw odds and sods, bits and bobs until I had £190 to come out, approved. Played loads of things, even went back to the fooking captain and still haven’t hit it yet !!!!

    Got fed up, went to cash stax. Down to £80 I had to play with.. played it 50p spins, it was active but being a brute when it bonused, paying £2.50 and then a huge whopping zero. Down to £40 so I thought, well, I have done extremely well, lets go big bets. First £20, nothing. Second £20… OMFG

    Got to over £250 and then hit the huge x5 spins by filling up the meter to 22spins. it dropped in 2 lines of 7s, ended paying out £828.

    And it’s all thanks to you Mr Bandit.

    Withdrawals approved, therefore locked. Money going to useful purposes. Donation to soup kitchen goes today. Which was happening with offset shopping money when I got paid last night.

    I wish you all good fortune on your slotting. (pic submitted to bigwins, video evidence on my phone too, when i realised I hit x5)

    Epic run mate and you have managed a Captain bonus finally haha! Congrats on the great run and make sure you stick it all to good use 😀

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