Happen a while ago..

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    Pdavidson88 WANTED $11

    Something that happened about 9 years ago but still I still think about..


    I managed to get a £800 balance from £10 (no bonus) low rolling on willy hill..

    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>I had a few cards linked to this (old closed banks I forgot to take off)</span>

    I accidentally withdrew to the wrong account

    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>I went through so much hassle going back. After like 4/5 months back and forth talking to live help and bank manager’s I gave up.</span>


    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>Just wondering if anyone else had that thing? </span>

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    Was it an account that no longer existed? Or a card that no longer existed?

    Pdavidson88 WANTED $11

    The account was closed. But some how according to WH it had been sent correct. they told me to give a certain reference number but the bank had said they’ve never heard of this thing. Then wanted official letters or something from WH it was a massive ballache.

    I hadn’t spent any of the money so cut my losses and only really lost £10 in reality.

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