Hacksaw scammed me out a super bonus

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  • #137275
    BadMofo WANTED $5

    Dark Summoning, land 3 red symbols for bonus, land the blue after the 3 for super.


    Replay here:  https://replay.hacksawgaming.com/?roundid=5000906452860&partner=1292&language=en


    Clearly hit the 3 then the blue cross drops, no super.



    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    Doesn’t the blue have to be on screen at the same time as the reds ???? Tahts what I thought and got the first time it landed for me… all four were on screen at the same time ..or am I remembering  wrong ?

    BadMofo WANTED $5

    Yeah, my bad on this.  You have to land the last red symbol and blue at same time for the super.

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