Gritty kitty nitropolis

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  • #137035
    Kirstevans80 WANTED $1

    Hi bandit, new to the site but been watching your chanel for ages.

    Came across the new nitrpolis game Gritty Kitty. Had a few decent spins on it and it looks like it could go mental.

    would love to see you give this a go on an upcoming video.

    Cheers fellow welshie xx


    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    Yes … the whole nitropolis family games are mint …. Confusing but mint …

    ImperialDragon WANTED $68

    A +1 as well from me on Gritty Kitty.

    It’s a mix of Nitropolis as already said and Tropicool as it takes an element from that game using the top sliding reels that give modifiers.

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