Genie Jackpot Megaways

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  • #60138
    NudePicsForFreeSpins WANTED $20

    I’ve started dabbling on the £10 buys just to pass the time but I seem to be getting proper pasted and now every deposit has some play dedicated to this game. My best result was £50 odd on the unlimited multiplier where I got to up to 40 spins off the 3 scatters 10 spin base which was kind of poor to be honest (dead spins) but other than that my lowest is 0x and i probably average 25-35% in each game. I keep chasing for my 1000x badge but thus far not arrived. It’s at the point now where a 5000x won’t even get my money back so is it worth playing or will it continue to rip me to death to infinity? What’s your most barren streak buying bonuses on this thing?? Atleast a game like white rabbit pays a decent % back each game but this thing is a twat.

    robthemonk12 WANTED $15

    This game has ripped me a new one recently. I’ve managed to break the cycle and cut my losses on it. It’s so easy to get into a chasing mindset. I’ve hit the figure that I had as my absolute quit and now I’m done for a while again.

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    Ive lost 1000s on this slot over the past 6 months or so . I had to stop bcoz i was getting nowhere  big purple prick LOL .

    puntzak WANTED $17

    Mostly losing on this one ,but today ,i hit bonus picked locking wilds and saw something new.

    ImperialDragon WANTED $68

    Bonus buys tend to be pretty poor on most slots in my opinion.  E.g. Fat Santa, Book of Gods, Extra Chilli, Machina, Spinal Tap, Temple of Treasure and Vikings Unleashed.

    The exception (again in my opinion) is White Rabbit, where a poor feature will usually return at least 50% of your bonus buy and thus will keep you going for that little bit longer.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    That’s shit mate. I’m a hypocrite i slate bonus buys all the time yet i bought 4 today. Two on white rabbit ( £10 down ) and 2 on vikings unleashed which both lost on the gamble.

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