Energy casino being useless

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  • #104254
    1743art WANTED $7

    Signed up to energy to play in the beat the bandit tournament. Upon signing up and not being able to find an opt in button I contacted support to be told that no such tournament existed. Useless buch of wankers

    1743art WANTED $7

    how do I post a picture of the emails

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    I reactivated my account and they wanted to do the checks… I passed the ID check and the card check but the bank statement doesn’t show up in the very awkward way they are requesting (screenshot of the PDF in the web browser showing the URL)

    I tried 3 times ? I’ve left it with “if what you have isn’t good enough, close my account and delete all of my information” looking at the competition I’m unlikely to get very far ?

    I’ve found in the past they are very good at sorting problems with tournament’s. Email them the link that bandit has provided on the homepage of BIAM, that should help them out ?

    Wenci WANTED $1

    lol, quite expected. Nowadays it is very difficult to find a casino that doesn’t really cheat people. You are still lucky that the support service answered you. Often players are simply banned by SP and they simply cannot get to the site anymore. To play casino online, you must use only reliable and proven services, for me its betway never use a casino that has big giveaways, free big cash bonuses and stuff like that. It’s good that there are such forums where players from all over the world can share their experiences so that others don’t make mistakes!

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