Diamond Mine

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  • #47332
    TheMagnetSpitter WANTED $34

    Just played this with a £50 bonus and it played horrendously, 1 feature of 12x. and it must have thrown in 20 dead spins consecutively in the base game 4 or 5 times

    This was on 20p stake and was a bonus

    Just wondered if it was just the bonus money killing its RTP stone dead? I do like the game and would play it with my own cash but not if its going to play like that every time

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Can be a brutal game mate. Remember someone asking bandit to play it and he gave up trying to get the bonus after 700 spins.

    TheMagnetSpitter WANTED $34

    Yeah it took £54 on 20p spins in no time

    Seems to just run through a balance in fast forward both times I’ve played, its the amount of dead spins in the base that struck me as well it plays nothing like Bonanza in the base tbh. Wasn’t all that fussed as it was bonus money lol, I don’t think you can play it with a £50 deposit if looking for a good turnover and playing time imo.

    I’ll probably play it again though as it has the potential to go mental

    Mr B WANTED $395

    It’s a high volatility game which means it can pay hugely or pay nothing to balance that. A friend of mine did amazing on it while I can literally throw money in the bin.

    TheMagnetSpitter WANTED $34

    Deffo mate

    I don’t care about losing bonus money though and tend to play high volatility slots with them on low stakes

    Bonanza and Diamond Mine are very alike but Bonanza is better for the base game with both being heart stopping when hitting 6+x on the multiplier lol


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