Dazza in YouTube shocker

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  • #79407
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    sorry everyone but had to put this up,I managed less than a minute before I cringed with embarrasment and had to turn it off.word of warning this is a shocker,head over to you tube on dazzas site if you dare!

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Yeah . Erm don’t know what to say ???

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Oh my.. no rhythm, appalling singing, out of tune.. it’s a no from me ?

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Don’t understand him . He has links to like 30 casinos . And acts like this . Doesn’t even spend money on playing slots .

    Wormweed WANTED $42

    If you don’t understand him, then move on and watch someone else.. He does slot reviews of new slots, and a lot of other things.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Wormweed wrote:

    If you don’t understand him, then move on and watch someone else.. He does slot reviews of new slots, and a lot of other things.

    Yeah well that’s exactly what I did do . I watched it because off this thread .

    ImperialDragon WANTED $68

    Wormweed wrote:

    If you don’t understand him, then move on and watch someone else.. He does slot reviews of new slots, and a lot of other things.

    That’s what I watch Dazza for too, his slot reviews.  He does moan while waiting for a feature, but other than that he’s good for showing what is up and coming.

    Which Dazza video is this thread about anyway?  Last time I checked (yesterday), he posted a review of BTG’s new game called L’il Devil.

    nb1983 WANTED $1

    What video?

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    nb1983 wrote:

    What video?

    I feel like this shouldn’t really be shared


    benq99 WANTED $229

    what a load of crap .he is a knob jockey fact

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    His voice just sounds like someone who was dropped on their head as a child, and has no issue with picking up that old ladies purse when she drops it in front of you and taking it down to spoons.

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