Change your bloody bank

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    Monkeyyyman6 WANTED $2

    After listening to your banking saga today (June 6th) I would either a) totally ignore them as you have sent what is required, and moreover, have proof of receipt.. or b) swap banks!!


    Perhaps seek advice from Citizens advice,  or a clued up solicitor to see if what they are constantly asking for is actually legal

    Inception67 WANTED $4

    My TSB account was closed by them because I had been funding Coinbase before they stopped blocking payments to there. UK banks are terrified of Crypto and feel that money laundering may be an issue with that. The only ‘bank’ that won’t shit the bed are Revolut and even then they are freezing accounts or stopping payments to wallets directly from them after 2 or 3 payments.

    What I found was that the numbers site wallets don’t get blocked often, but the letters ones other than BTC get blocked after 2 transfers.


    Spin_em_in WANTED $13

    Inception67 wrote:

    My TSB account was closed by them because I had been funding Coinbase before they stopped blocking payments to there. UK banks are terrified of Crypto and feel that money laundering may be an issue with that. The only ‘bank’ that won’t shit the bed are Revolut and even then they are freezing accounts or stopping payments to wallets directly from them after 2 or 3 payments.

    What I found was that the numbers site wallets don’t get blocked often, but the letters ones other than BTC get blocked after 2 transfers.


    may be a issue?

    BadMofo WANTED $5

    This is why you always use a middle wallet between your exchange (Coinbase etc) and the slots.  They will close your account down on the crypto side if they see you sending money to certain addresses.  Exodus is my personal choice.


    I’ve been with Lloyds and had to have a few chats with the AML team but they have been cool and I’ve been fucking about with crypto since 2013.

    CompleteDegen WANTED $1

    Tornado cash isn’t a problem at all, when people don’t understand it they just shout waaa money laundering.

    Tornado cash has a feature that trustlessly, via the sender or receiver of the funds, spits out proof of where the funds came from or went. It’s hardcoded and can’t be falsified. It’s open source code, this is a fact.

    The real problem is governments complete incompetence.

    What is money laundering? An attempt to take dirty funds and make them clean. Sending dirty funds to a big mixing pot of funds and then requesting funds out the otherside doesn’t create clean funds if you simply request that proof. You got that money from tornado cash, can you create the proof it’s legitimate please? Oh you won’t? No you can’t buy the house then. It’s very simple.


    Why is tornado cash good? Because blockchains are public. If I send you a payment on the blockchain, you can go back and see everything I have ever done. I understand the government needing that access, they already have it, a random person I once paid to do a job? Nope.


    Privacy from the public is important, tornado cash assists with that. Privacy from the government it doesn’t assist with, they are just too brain dead to consider even looking at how it works. A random wassie with etherscan was able to track North Korean funds, probably better than 3 letter agencies a few decades ago, and that’s a possibility for anyone. Anyone could track the North Koreans yet people think it would be used for money laundering…

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