Casino asking for ID which I don’t have

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  • #87643
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    £34.00 (if you pay online) or £43.00 (if you apply by post) for a provisional license. A lot cheaper than a passport 🙂

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $702

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    Yeah, I was gonna be out of the country for work longer than my passport would allow so I needed it within 3 days

    Yeah I was working in America  and had to get mine, just like you , but I did the ultimate sacrifice ….. I went to …..Liverpool !!!!!! to have it done on the day ….( I’m only teasing you Liverpool fellows, your Great )


    burders WANTED $55

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    I’d be tempted to reverse the withdrawal, time out the casino for two weeks and pay for the passport, I think their around £ 75 …. because if you think your nit getting it £75 quid seems a bargain to save the cash ….. and passports are around 2 weeks ( I travel a lot and my last one was done in 7 days , but they say allow 4 weeks , but mine have never taken so long )

    Perfect solution, you won’t get better advice than that!

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