Big Bass Keeping It Reel Request

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    UnluckyBloke WANTED $6

    Ive been playing som big bass after watching bandit, I’ve gotta say, the keeping it reel version feels most satisfying because you can get some of the missed fish afterwards. Kinda like the scarab game where you get a chance to win in the end. I’ve hit the golden guy a few times already, even at level 2 for 500x.

    They are probably all the same probability, but it’s immensely satisfying getting the ones that got away!

    Have you guys tried it? What do you think?

    Malkychamp WANTED $485

    UnluckyBloke wrote:

    Ive been playing som big bass after watching bandit, I’ve gotta say, the keeping it reel version feels most satisfying because you can get some of the missed fish afterwards. Kinda like the scarab game where you get a chance to win in the end. I’ve hit the golden guy a few times already, even at level 2 for 500x.

    They are probably all the same probability, but it’s immensely satisfying getting the ones that got away!

    Have you guys tried it? What do you think?

    At first I thought it was really bad and had no idea what it was even adding up the missed fish for. Thought I was going to get it at the end of the bonus but nah nothing. Then finally did get 2 golden dudes on x2 also so have since changed my opinion 👍

    Smoothoperator WANTED $48

    Could also just do a stream of Big Bass slots!! There’s loads now! Or a bonus hunt on each Bass variant?!

    UnluckyBloke WANTED $6

    Yeah can totally understand the confusion. For me watching bandit play Fisherman Frankie was always so bad. Seemed you just saw fish never get caught. Gotta say the new golden catch he’s been playing also looks enjoyable 🙂

    UnluckyBloke WANTED $6

    Awesome, he gave it a go last video, unfortunately he didn’t hit a golden guy, which shouldn’t even be that rare! Gotta say I still consider it the best version. The added bet isn’t necessary, it’s only if you wanna have a higher chance per spin to win the bonus. My guess is it’s pretty even doing it or not, however might take longer without though.

    The golden guy can land just as a normal fisherman, and he gets the multiplier as well, had fish for approximately 60 pounds, doubled it, with a 0.40 p bet.

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