Bc game

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  • #129565
    beadie86 WANTED $15

    Hello you bunch of fanny scratchers !!

    just wondering if anyone has won on bc game ? I’ve played there for a couple months now and every deposit just gets eaten with minuets ! Don’t get me wrong I know slots are completely shite anyway but on this particular casino it’s just a balance eater I struggle to get more than 30 mins play on low stakes

    zandralapoi WANTED $9

    Started off playing BC Game at the beginning of May, was about $1200 up, however that has all just gone in July.

    At the moment I cannot win a thing and when I do get a bonus they are utter shite.  Also, the Bonus Buys were shafting me every time, not actually had a decent won on any of them, so no more of them!

    Always got my withdrawals though when I did win.  I use Binance Smart Chain, not Eth!

    Jimboi88 WANTED $1

    Hey Guys, bit of a noob question, how do I get my winnings to my bank account? i have withdrawn them to my wallet on BCgame but how to i get it to my bank account??

    mega WANTED $27

    Jimboi88 wrote:

    Hey Guys, bit of a noob question, how do I get my winnings to my bank account? i have withdrawn them to my wallet on BCgame but how to i get it to my bank account??

    I assume the coins are currently sitting in your crypto wallet. If so then you need to sell the coins within your crypto wallet. The amount you sell them for will then be in your fiat balance – from there you will be able to withdrawl your fiat balance into your bank.

    quick note – if your using cryptowallet then you cant withdrawl any funds until you have made atleast one deposit from your bank to your fiat balance – this whole process should take about 15 mins. When you make your deposit it will say it takes 2-4 days but it should get verified wihthin about 10 mins

    Backinamohawk WANTED $8

    Yes bc game is one of those casinos i just cant win on its just dead deposit after dead deposit barely any base game hits for me

    Scouseslots WANTED $3

    Anyone having trouble logging in to BC game? Using Nord connecting to Norway but still saying in restricted area! Seems hit or miss

    beadie86 WANTED $15

    Yeah don’t seem to get base game hits either

    Smgxking WANTED $16

    Connect to ireland

    Smgxking WANTED $16

    I find it swings and roundabouts like most casino’s one minute im couple grand down next im couple grand up i just had max win on undead fortune so thats £4000 win tonight took 3 buys to get so overall good night, think everyone needs to remember if your bonus buying again it only takes a few bad buys and your balance goes bye bye can easily see why uk banned bonus buys

    TJ.. WANTED $2

    I can play bc.game with Nord vpn but can’t play pragmatic games as it says not available in your area?? Any ideas please..

    thanks I’m advance

    Devilslots WANTED $1

    Got this hit whilst playing on BCgame, ive been on there for 6months now, so before bandit joined, seems fair, i mean any casino ive been on has weeks where i cant win, then have a great session.

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