Bandit withdrawals.

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  • #67758
    SeiZui WANTED $9


    Where is bandit? Whats going on? He stopped playing ?  Gambled away everything and stay low for a while or what?  I demand minimum 1 h of footage   🙁 please….pleaseeeeee

    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>I wasn’t around much lately mostly due to long shifs at work so I might have missed any information given in here….</span>

    Last time i remember YouTube lock down his account temporarily…   like over 2 weeks ago…..…


    Winningbird WANTED $574

    He put his account private while he waited for the strike to be removed. Hes now on holiday for 2 weeks.

    Ramm WANTED $32

    Real life happened, you could subject yourself to other streamers/tubers in the meantime or go cold turkey.

    SeiZui WANTED $9

    He is simply irreplaceable………      I tried few others but they all lame as fuck……..

    Mrajaja WANTED $1

    Bandit is a top man people need to chill and let the man sort his shit out

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