Bandit and games 5 scatter search

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  • #134804
    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    I’m wondering …. Because its a Friday evening and apparently have nothing better to do….

    since the 3 scatter bonuses tend to have a higher chance of extra scatters landing to upgrade the bonuses, that a 5 scatter upgrade could happen more often from a three scatter bonus  ?

    …. Maybeeeeeeeeee🤔 probably not but still…..maybeeeeeeeeee

    Mwright82 WANTED $12

    Huh, I’ve read that a couple of times and still not sure what you mean lol it’s 5am so maybe it’s too early for me 😂😂

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    Mwright82 wrote:

    Huh, I’ve read that a couple of times and still not sure what you mean lol it’s 5am so maybe it’s too early for me 😂😂

    Pffft I was confused writing it ….and that was before the beer

    in a nut shell … if you get a normal bonus on le bandit( three scatter) that bonus has a perk which is a higher chance of dropping more scatters so you can upgrade to the next bonus level ….

    So im <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>wondering if getting  a three scatter bonus is actually a positive, because its more Likely to give you an upgrade, and potentially a 5 scatter up grade because of the increase chance ?

    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>Still not sure  that  makes sense ….but damn it I tried ….</span>

    Mwright82 WANTED $12

    Yeah I know what you mean, be nice to see one of the five scatters, especially on le bandit and Mayan stack ways, knowing bandit he will hit the fucker in the golf club 😂

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    Mwright82 wrote:

    Yeah I know what you mean, be nice to see one of the five scatters, especially on le bandit and Mayan stack ways, knowing bandit he will hit the fucker in the golf club 😂

    Yeah the le bandit would be awesome, always rainbow, block never vanish and no brown coins….. it would be mint

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