Autospins no more…

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  • #111257
    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    Jumpsy74 wrote:

    Feels like a complete overkill I’m sick of answering the same questions am I comfortable with my level of gambling having to justify that I have a job ffs treat people like grown ups 🤦🏼‍♂️ definitely beginning of the end I feel 🤔🤷🏼‍♂️

    It’s just because it’s a new way of doing things, once the casinos have filled their “ we need to be seen to be doing stuff “ quota and the gcuk find a terrorist playing bingo with a dodgy 50p” that they  “need to fix to protect the bingo wings of the uk” I believe it’ll calm down…… like smoking and beer and all these bad things that are bad for us yet they seem to not want to put the same level of scrutiny on like gambling …it is a revenue stream for the uk…..tho I’d love to see them bring in a kyc report on every bar fly in the uk …. See how quick that fucker lasts…

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