Attention bandit

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  • #86379
    Joeholdway WANTED $44

    I know you did not ask for nominations but could you maybe look at Tia greyhound rescue as a possible charity the money would help them massively and they house a shit ton of dog that have been dumped on them and they never put a healthy dog down you can find them on Facebook it’s maybe worth a look as would be helping up to 100 dogs  thanks for reading

    Joeholdway WANTED $44

    Maybe bandit could do a poll on charities to donate to but then again that could cause carnage as well lol

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    Yeah …. but then it be a scam to get names and emails for a chance to vote … because you’d have to sign up …. then he’d pick a charity and people would realise the bandit is “in” with that charity and they give him money for his affiliation …..then to many people would create fake accounts to make sure their charity wins before bandit  calls it off in case it go’s into   John Mc smiths beer fund hospice  and dick heads loose their mind …….. yeah could work …. I see no problem at all …..

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