Anyone done a payday loan claim?

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    appleman91 WANTED $42

    Sorry if this is not allowed. Delete if so.

    I’m interested to know if anyone has claimed money back from payday loan companies. How long did it take how much did you get? Basically is it worth the hassle.

    As I’ve posted before I was in trouble with payday loans, luckily my best friend helped me out with some cash and I managed to clear all the payday loans. Joined gamstop mid November now i’m on the recovery with more manageable payments. Since June I’ve paid these companies about 20k, will I get anything back? I got some good advice from people on here and I’ve got an email ready to send to the payday loan companies but I keep talking myself out of it. I’m not one for claiming and I can’t be doing with the hassle. But on the other hand I keep thinking bugger it, try and get some money out of them so I can have a good summer after the stress and dark few months I had.

    Chdl1990 WANTED $42

    What’s the worst that can happen? Send the email. If there has been any wrong doing they will look at it and refund you, if not what have you lost, few minutes writing an email? Seems worth a chance to me. Just to be clear I have no experience or understanding on the subject other than what I have read on here, in the news etc but seems worth an email surely

    dwprodigy WANTED $8

    I tried but they basically told me to do one. The only difference (which is quite big apparently) is that I never defaulted on any of my repayments.

    I used an email template I found online somewhere, cant remember where, took them about 6 weeks to get back – Whats the worse that can happen? They say no? You’ll probably get something out of it!

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    How to get a payday loan refund

    Do it! There is a good chance depending on the circumstances that you’ll get interest or fees refunded. Plenty of success stories out there on this. Wonga basically went bust due to refunds.

    Legendary Hamster WANTED $6

    I managed to get just over £9k back and used it to pay off the last of my debts.

    If you go to the MoneySavingExpert website there is a forum called Debt Free Wannabe and a thread for claiming from PDL’s.

    If you can put forward a good case (continual lending month after month for 6 months plus is a good case) then you can probably get something back plus interest on the charges, it’ll be about 10%.

    If they reject your claim then you can go the Financial Ombudsman Service and they’ll make a case for you (if they think you have one).

    Quazzi WANTED $138

    I once claimed back £50 from wonga after that whole fiasco of them sending out fake solicitor letters.

    Only took them about 8 months to transfer the money lol

    bigbucks1983 WANTED $46

    Got about 12k back off numerous companies a few years back but spunked most of it as I was still going degen.

    Follow the complaint advice and templates you send to the companies. You will 90% get rejected and then it’s off to the financial ombudsmen who up held 90% of my complaints.

    In all about 6 months for a complaint start to finish depending on how busy the financial ombudsmen is.

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    PPI and Payday loans if anyone had these it’s A Must that you try… Good luck.



    Kelvin WANTED $31

    ive got to disagree here i owe a few payday loan companies and have payment plans with them. over the past 12 months ive paid off 6 other companies.
    the thing is when these loans are taken the terms are made clear weather there fair or not its what we agree to when were desperate.
    people need to remember these companies will fuck you over but legally. i have 14 months left to be payday loan debt free and only have myself to blame.
    but i would never claim anything back as they are charging what i agreed to pay.

    appleman91 WANTED $42

    Thanks everyone some good advice here.

    Kelvin, I agree and disagree with you, it is my fault for taking out the payday loans and using it to gamble, but on the other hand I’m not convinced the correct checks are done when money is applied for. For example at the end of August my payday loan payments was 5.5k luckily I was getting bonus from work to help me cover it plus I needed other loans. When I’m submitting my monthly income on the application, surely they can see it’s not affordable for me. Some companies who refused my application wanted to speak to me to discuss my finances and they go through and tell me what I owe to other companies. So surely this information is available to all the companies.

    Another example, I already had 5 loans with the same company, probably ranging from £200-300. They gave me the 6th at 2am for £200 it was in my bank in a few minutes. Is that responsible lending?

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