And he disappeared again

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  • #117809
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    i spy him saying he has tinsel to dangle on seedy’s dangley bits or something christmassy he’s a bit late with.

    but before I spied that I wondered if he was dead again or been arrested for spitting at a copper. * He did not spit at any copper.

    So how would he have died this time or what would he have been arrested for ?

    My guess : Hit by a blimp while being arrested for throwing a half eaten warm and soggy greggs sausage roll at a traffic warden who was giving a ticket to an old women in a motorized wheelchair. Rest in hilarious and of course virtuous peace. #solidarity

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    You’re odd.

    greywormm WANTED $3

    Wtf 🤣 you ok or just confused? I would say he has a life outside out slots thats why the sudden puff, or Donald Trump got him

    TJTom WANTED $16

    This is weird.

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Eightblack wrote:

    You’re odd.

    Maybe someone carved an undeserving judgmental comment on a 3m cubed piece of granite and threw it at him putting him in intensive care while doctors decide if they could make new kitchen counters from the mess.

    Lighten up ya tosser.

    enduserBC WANTED $7

    drugs are bad, mmkay

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    enduserBC wrote:

    drugs are bad, mmkay

    why yes they are, I thank you for educating the world.

    Quite the judgmental response against an imagination trying to have a laugh at no ones expense. At least one person kind of got it.

    Fcukin hell folks, snap out of it.

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    There is a pub around the corner and ..


    it’s Xmas ffs


    I know where I would be 😂

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    farahtrousers wrote:

    Eightblack wrote:

    You’re odd.

    Maybe someone carved an undeserving judgmental comment on a 3m cubed piece of granite and threw it at him putting him in intensive care while doctors decide if they could make new kitchen counters from the mess.

    Lighten up ya tosser.

    I’m light as a feather old son and this comment only reinforces my previous statement. You, are odd.

    totalcomic WANTED $7

    Went on the piss, shitter of a hang over. Just be happy he’s back, like the rest of us.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    I haven’t disappeared, i am just really busy as the time of year dictates – unexpected shit pops up especially now plus i go to the bar. I have set aside tomorrow (Friday) to make a video but it will depend on how long it takes whether or not it gets published tomorrow. These videos when they aren’t a bonus buy video can take 6/7/8 hours to just gather the footage, i’m not sure people quite get that even now – switch your YouTube notifications on and then when one goes up, you will know.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    The Bandit wrote:

    switch your YouTube notifications on and then when one goes up, you will know

    Just to add, make sure your notifications are set to all rather than personalised 👍😀

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Xbobmad wrote:

    The Bandit wrote:

    switch your YouTube notifications on and then when one goes up, you will know

    Just to add, make sure your notifications are set to all rather than personalised 👍😀

    You know when People start writing in “ certain ways”  and “ styles “ and you instantly go ….” Ohh wait, it’s that lad but with a new account “ 😂😂

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    The Bandit wrote:

    I haven’t disappeared, i am just really busy as the time of year dictates – unexpected shit pops up especially now plus i go to the bar. I have set aside tomorrow (Friday) to make a video but it will depend on how long it takes whether or not it gets published tomorrow. These videos when they aren’t a bonus buy video can take 6/7/8 hours to just gather the footage, i’m not sure people quite get that even now – switch your YouTube notifications on and then when one goes up, you will know.

    excuses excuses (someone might take my reply seriously, even though I have added this in brackets)

    merry christmas nobhead

    Chronic_Smoker WANTED $1

    I’ve been loving his videos made me go back on YouTube and look at his old videos great stuff funny as fuck

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