Affiliate waffle

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    aps31 WANTED $15


    Anyway back to more important stuff, not sure why but the bandit talking about his dongle in the last few vids makes me laugh more then when he gets trolled by a bonus(his reaction not that he lost money)

    que the post about mrs bandit making sure his dongle is in fully working order for the next vid

    Will_RAFC WANTED $4

    I use the Bandits links to sign up to the casinos he uses as my way of supporting the channel. I get an hour or so enjoyable content every few days from him so why shouldn’t I give back, especially on something that I would do anyway. If you don’t like it, nobodies forcing you to sign up. A crazy amount of money is given back too, fingers crossed for the January prize draws!!

    Ivor-Tinyone WANTED $42

    Ok, I know tone of conversation doesn’t come through on text. I think this website, channel, Steve and his team are amazing! Have people got the wrong end of the stick because I feel people may have misconstrued what I wrote.

    I am a huge supporter. What got my back up was the people complaining and bringing down the way the bandit works.

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    That’s just it, you can’t please everyone. Steve posted jokingly on TGC community poker thread about the hate he would get for giving that bounty money to Fairzz and he hit the nail on the head with that, doesn’t matter what you do some people aren’t going to like you no matter what you do whether it’s down to envy, their own self loathing or whatever. Even if you explained how things work in a very simplistic way that their miniscule brains would understand they wouldn’t care as their opinion is already made up. It doesn’t matter as far as I’m concerned we have a cracking community here with loads of different characters and mixed opinions and it’s a joy to be a part of for those that sign up to hate, slate or troll then let the sad little bastards voice their opinion it’s not like anyone who is actually a fan of The Bandit will give a flying shite they will eventually sling their hooks and good riddance when they do!

    Levskie101 WANTED $22

    Ridiculous that people complain. Affiliation is everywhere, all it does divide it between people / businesses, so fuck if bandit gets a share I’d say he’s earnt it.


    He documents and warns people on the dangerous of gambling and doesn’t push links in anyone’s face. Which can’t be said for a lot of streamers and affiliates. There are people who earn far more and don’t give back to the viewers and can give off the false promise of it been easy to constantly win on slots.


    Keep doing you bandit I for one love it.

    Kautsumarko WANTED $3

    what does it matter how many % he or she gets as an affi? everyone gets to play all of depo you make! its not anything away from us players even if the affi “host” gets 100% of the losses (and no i dont think they get) but im ok what ever they get,hope they get shitloads of  €or£..

    realy have enjoyed Bandits videos for  longtime now and hope to see them alot more….

    peace =)

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Even if there was a charge to watch the videos id even pay to watch them. I think bandit you should have a time slot itv wed 9pm till 10pm and Sunday same. Can you imagine now on itv it’s time for the latest episode of the bandit. ?

    buckybalz WANTED $8

    So midly off topic but was unsure where to post question to the Bandit !


    First of all why are people mad that you make money off your links ? Rather you that you use that to make hilarious content that I can relate too.

    – Now I want to sign up through  your links so you get a piece of my losses no issue there, happy sharing ! but being based in BC Canada – some weird online rules not all your casinos are available to me and I wanted to win the draw too !; and to add next level difficluty –  already have a BetFair account [that never used] and Videoslots found 6 months ago, and found you 4 weeks ago – I thought I saw a video saying I could enter VideoSluts** :p contestn without having to use your link – but I guess that’s wrong ? Maybe an older video ?

    Ever thought of doing a small contest for the like of me – unable to use link as already set up- but love content and want to join in with your “crew”







    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Yeah video slots u dont need to have gone through link . So u shud be able to enter as long as u been active that month

    McSplooger WANTED $18

    As someone who was once a ‘hater’ I can probably provide a little insight as to why it happens. People who usually target the streamers/content creators are probably miserable themselves or have at least some form of severely negative effect from gambling.

    Personally, I was in a pretty bad place so when I was seeing people deposit and play with thousands it  made me feel a little sick knowing that was at least part funded by the losses of others.

    It also doesnt help you have many casino affiliates who are morally bankrupt and dont actually care about the community or indeed the negative effects gambling can have.

    My advice to those people is to just stay away from all videos, theres really no point in targeting/harassing someone because you cant control yourself. Take responsibility for your own actions and stop wasting your time with hate towards people.

    Theres good and bad people within the streaming world, some aggressively shove links down our throats and dont warn people of the dangers of gambling. Some only post big wins, some play with fake money. It gives good guys like the bandit a bad name.

    Steve is universally liked as can be seen from comments on here and videos elsewhere, that’s because hes genuine like Rolla in many ways. Theres plenty that are  not though and its unfortunately a product of the growth in streaming and the many cowboys who try their luck that he gets so much hate now.

    Mr B WANTED $395

    I’m having a bad day, you are going to pay for it. Or at least feel it, like it’s your fault.
    I don’t understand, so again you are going to pay for it…. or at least……….
    I do NOT CARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or at least….

    I think Bandit should explain if he chooses to. I also think it’s great we can understand.

    He makes me laugh. I laugh when I maybe shouldn’t but the outbursts are hilarious. He also doesn’t make us watch 300 dead spins, which he has to watch just so he can click record, although I’m not sure why he says click play.

    He gave me a bonus because I was suffering the wrath of 1,000 dead spin Capt Bob and when it wasn’t good enough, he tripled it, out of his own pocket, for no other reason than he felt like it. I’m still amazed.

    He tolerates us. He puts up with us. Ok I’ll stop now. Will I fuck. Trolls, people genuinely having bad days,weeks,years. We can genuinely vent here. We don’t get silenced or made to feel like we must shy away from being who we are, expressing what has happened.

    I have one critique of the forum and that is when some members resort to mocking someone who appears to be suffering. Maybe they don’t get their story out right, something doesn’t seem legit.. so it’s easy to think “this dudes taking the piss” and resort to a backlash of some sort. Well, we live and learn…… we all start off immature in life.

    I actually feel comfortable here. Unless one of you nicks my pillow…
    For the record, I haven’t signed up to any of Bandits links, but that’s because I was already signed up.

    Props to the bandit and his wifey. Ok I’ll STFU now.


    Great forum, never in doubt.


    I love how trolls got the perception that affiliation makes millions like its easy or something i say to them get your computers out and start a channel with there cash and hours of work trying to put videos together and get people to follow them and use their links bet they would be back in 6 months appoligising because of how hard it is for them to possibly make anything that month or the next P.S bandit us genuine followers love what you do for us all and would never question what you make and shit so dont ever feel the need to keep explaining yourself to dicks mate just tell them to kiss your piss pipe  and keep doing what your doing ?

    WestVirginaUSA WANTED $12

    I wanted to see more single reel king videos, and i really enjoyed reading “the reel king story” thread. Dick heads ruined it for me and everyone else with there stupid shit talking. People criticize others because they want to be them. Can’t wait for the sunday slot video! Peace, Luck and Happiness to ya all!

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    WestVirginaUSA wrote:

    I wanted to see more single reel king videos, and i really enjoyed reading “the reel king story” thread. Dick heads ruined it for me and everyone else with there stupid shit talking. People criticize others because they want to be them. Can’t wait for the sunday slot video! Peace, Luck and Happiness to ya all!

    That’s not the reason he stopped , the thread . Don’t think he would let that bother him .

    WestVirginaUSA WANTED $12

    Why then?

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