20p roulette £2 max stakes

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  • #52736
    Izattm WANTED $18

    So I’m not sure if it’s widely known yet how this will turn out but I have a bit of Information.

    Basically you will have a £2 bet on a “spin bar” to activate the roullete feature. Same principle of a pie gamble, red zone lose, green zone intiate feature.

    Before you have clicked bet you have the oppertunity to place chips on the board, the more you place the smaller the “green zone”  on the spin bar gets.

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    I posted that this would be it… Pie gamble for bigger bets.

    We should get the finer details on the Fobt legislation and see if their breaking rules here because their should Never be a bet above £2 on these machines. NEVER ?

    Izattm WANTED $18

    That’s pretty much it however, you only ever spend a max of 2 pound per spin. You CANNOT bet above that. Putting more chips on the board just reduces your chance of getting the roullete spin.

    If the bandit would like me to send a video of a WH staff tutorial then please email me and I’ll send it over.

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Yes, as I figured too after seeing S&S show us a video of what he says is the first release. The games already exist with the pie spin or 2 reel one winline spin that then if won starts an actual game valued at bigger than £2 stake I believe, or a better payout, if you do win. Either way, they have taken the piss long before the legislation change with these spin to win to be able to spin bs. I tried one, forget which now but it too £60 without a win for spin. I had a long chat with the manager about KYC and when the fun stops and he was honest and agreed, so I won’t name where.

    Any boss or manager who is honest will tell you these things have taken the piss out of legislation and now instead of being eaten alive in 5 minutes, it’ll take 6-10.

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    LOL at having to pay £2 just for the chance to spin a roulette wheel – count me out 🙂

    odd Job WANTED $8

    I am not sure why we are surprised, the bookies finding programmes to get around the legislation. Imagine they have a lot more games like this ready to be launched in the coming months. Its about speed of loss and not amount of money we spend on any one spin. In the end we are going to loose its just take us 5 minutes longer

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