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  • Town Status : Blocked
  • Wanted Reward: $9
  • Topics Started : 1
  • Replies Created : 4

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: cancelation on free give away #86307
    Tomtuc9 WANTED $9

    Unsub me too please mate. If it’s true, I’m Chuffed for the charities getting the money rather than the knob’eds who entered however many times.
    But then at the same time, can’t help feeling like it was a ploy to get people to sign up to the site and that maybes there was no intention of an actual giveaway. No animosity.. I enjoy bandits videos and I will continue to watch him. However, I’d just rather not be on here for the reasons I’ve said. All the best everyone for next year, and most importantly…. safe gambling haha

    in reply to: Gambling for the right reasons #85595
    Tomtuc9 WANTED $9

    Bookiebam wrote:

    For me its always been about the buzz of the big win. I have friends who dont gamble as wen ever they tried they lost so thought it wasnt for them. If u win big u want to win like tht again. Which is daft coz the big win will hardly ever come.

    Definitely mate! Hit the nail on the head really, won £2500 off jackpot king, loved the rush. But then just never replicated anything like it and I’ve started to think I’m doing it for the wrong reasons which will eventually land me in trouble with money !

    in reply to: 20000 Website Subscribers! #85104
    Tomtuc9 WANTED $9

    Just joined today to be fair, in truth wish I had sooner! Never been apart of a community or even spoke to someone before, who understands online casinos without being called a mug for doing it hahaha

    in reply to: Where are they all now? #84894
    Tomtuc9 WANTED $9

    Actually couldn’t be happier for him with a result like that after how the last few sessions have been ! Shows if you’re going to do the heart-stopper grind, lower stakes are the boyo !

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)