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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $5
  • Topics Started : 7
  • Replies Created : 25

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  • in reply to: Reel King MAX BET INCREASED Bandit Alert” #62379
    TheShine WANTED $5
    in reply to: Interestingly calling Casumo Andy #62378
    TheShine WANTED $5

    They probably want to make a doll for the office to stick pins in lol…

    in reply to: Really struggling to get bonus #50153
    TheShine WANTED $5

    Ok done a test today with £10.  Book of dead bet one line @ 2p managed 3 bonus features then upped the bet to 3p managed one more before trying 3 lines and blowing my fortunes lol….

    in reply to: Really struggling to get bonus #49781
    TheShine WANTED $5

    Hi on triple dragon and spin at 5p you should hit a feature otherwise lower your bets to 10p

    in reply to: What is everyone spending a month #49780
    TheShine WANTED $5

    Also not chasing the Vip level but it is an indication of your deposits that’s all

    in reply to: What is everyone spending a month #49779
    TheShine WANTED $5

    Dune2000 wrote:

    Not a penny – online gambling doesnt interest me, although I watch it on you tube,   Seen too many horror stories and I am always suspicious of how many big wins are posted.  If it was as easy as some of the streamers show most of the casino’s would have gone broke.

    If I do the slots it’s just if I pop in a service station – I may not win big, but I cant use my debit card to deposit thousands of pounds, I don’t have to go through a tortorous validation process, i get my money straight away, and no one is going to say your £500 win is invalid because you did a £2.10 stake when the limit is £2

    Dune I thought exactly the same as you and started with £500 as a floatation 50 in and as soon as I was up withdraw my 50 or my profit and move onto next game.


    The only problem i have have found is once you hit the win over £1k that’s you on the chase.

    Since jan I have had prob 15 over 1k results with my biggest being £4300and none betting any bigger than £10 a spin. I am not trying to blow a trumpet here but my god does it get addictive fast especially when you are winning. But you just want the bigger win then so you £1 bets are now having to be £5 because of that one time you ramped the stake up and on the next spin a £2k bonanza feature lands.


    just sharing my brain thoughts better to get it out I suppose because what was great fun is now like the hit from the ultimate Peruvian slot. Btw thanks bandit for the reel king ladder omg how good is it when you get to the top

    in reply to: What is everyone spending a month #49745
    TheShine WANTED $5

    Just to settle my nerves lol

    in reply to: Casinos with PayPal deposit/withdraws #49361
    TheShine WANTED $5

    I use Leo Vegas and Grosvenor with paypal

    in reply to: £200 Max Stake on Bonanza @ Grosvenor #48076
    TheShine WANTED $5

    I am going to download the stats from the casino and find out how much I spun on Saturday night @£10 and £20 stakes.  The crazy thing was I don’t normally bet crazy but I started @ £50 and managed in the end to end up with £4563 on a single spin @ £10.  The game drives me mental I have bonused at everything £5 and under but I am determined to hit at £10.

    in reply to: £200 Max Stake on Bonanza @ Grosvenor #48017
    TheShine WANTED $5

    Well I was playing for the first time bonanza @ grows on Thursday night and was playing about with bet and decided to ramp it up thinking the max was £20 and spun once at £100 wow a feature @200 would be a pension

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)