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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $1
  • Topics Started : 0
  • Replies Created : 2

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  • in reply to: Source of Wealth #94536
    Netstorm WANTED $1

    Bandit, that is not that abnormal, the rules require them to keep their information up to date. Most casinos would not change their process based on if you up or down at the casino as it should linked to funds wagered not won or lost. The problem with SOW is it is massively subjective and hard to do for people who are not the usual waged employee of a company where income and outgoings are regular. So if you run your own businesses etc it’s hard to work out what you can afford to gamble.  Especially if you a pro gambler. Gc is handing out mega fines at the min so the industry is trying it’s best to comply and scared. There is a definate lack of common sense sometimes like the fact you are up but in fairness to the casino they are audited by gc probably more on technical compliance (I. E do they have a particular document) rather than effective compliance of we have that info and the customer is in profit. (the gc will just see the missing doc) I also think some of the casinos fail to see most of it is the same money, I. E you wagered the same 1k say 50 times as you deposited / withdrew it going up and down but you had to do it at different casinos because the casinos sometimes pause your play etc etc so they see money moving in and out of different casinos and get worried as they can’t complete the circle neatly. Most of that is because none of them have the full picture about a player, multiple casinos used, multiple bank or deposit accounts used. The best way to solve the money laundering issues is to have all play centrally logged across all providers to build up true player profiles. But that solution comes with privacy concerns and let’s face it most people wouldn’t be happy with that. But it’s starting to happen in Europe where players have to log in with national I’d number….


    in reply to: Breakdown of the Hot Streak (28/03/2020 – 15/04/2020) #94526
    Netstorm WANTED $1

    Profit on eye of whoreus (sic) now I know for sure some illuminati shit is going on.


    Love the videos bandit. I don’t know how you do it as I find these videos a roller-coaster of emotions and it not my money.




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