What’s everybody do?

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  • #10278
    TrueBlue WANTED $0

    So what does everybody do for a living?


    peraonally I am a Taxi Driver, love my job to bits

    ImperialDragon WANTED $69

    I work in admin, arranging appointments for clients and suppliers from around the world.  Pretty boring but pays well @ £10/hour, 30 hours a week.  There are 7 people in my office which can be damn noisy at times.  I’m looking forwards to moving to a smaller office where there should be just 3 of us, in the next week or 2.

    JoeD333 WANTED $6

    I work in IT support for a company that used to have 100s, now there’s about 30 of us so gonna have to get a new one soon 🙂 Not too bad though the demand for IT in Dublin should make it not too bad.

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