Videslots help / advice

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  • #101312
    notrege WANTED $41

    Hey Guys, some help please:

    i’ve had a videoslots account for a while and was just depositing money from paypal and had never made a withdrawl, so the account is down like £800, then it looks like i’m having a good run so i decide to get myself verfied incase i need to withdraw i sent in all the documents but the paypal one got declined, they said it needed to be for a different paypal account

    i’d switched paypal accounts a sometime ago as the other one was for a silly e-mail address (you know the ones that you create when your young and stupid) and i no longer had login details for this account but lukily they wanted verification from the new account

    i came to withdraw, it was only £150 but from a £10 deposit it was a decent return, i selected paypal and the correct paypal account was highlighted and i clicked withdraw

    i got a notfication that it had all gone through but i had no money on the paypal account, turns out they;d send it to the account i couldnt access as it was down a “first in first out” withdrawl, anyway after much waiting and deliveration they said they fixed the issue and credited the account with £150 and to try the witdrawl again, which i did, and again it went to the wrong account

    i told them again and now they are saying that i need to initiate a chargeback on my old paypal account to send it back to videoslots, oh, and also i need to deposit £150 because they sent it me in error and they want ti back

    what should i do? i’ve actaully receivied no money from them, the money i assume is sitting in a paypal accout i can’t access ( i tried to recover it with paypal but they said the details i supplied don’t match ), videoslots want £150 and i’ve still not had my withdrawl

    any help would be great thanks

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    honestly, shut your account and get onto PayPal and recover the 300, and then open a casino not in the vs family………And enjoy the extra 150 ……

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    lol vs fk up you should not pay back,you can contact paypal on phone give them old email of paypal they will rest pass for you

    Anonymous WANTED $110
    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    Yeah, all the bs to one side, you should know enough “other “ details to get what you need..

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