vegashero complaint

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  • #101734
    lutter.daniel WANTED $1


    I have a big problem with vegashero
    On July 11th, 2020 I deposited € 1000 and received a bonus of € 100.
    I was clear about the bonus conditions and that I should not exceed the € 5 bet.
    Then I played Money Train and bought the bonus for € 200 over and over again.

    Under their bonus terms it says nowhere that I am not allowed to buy the bonus games. Because in the bonus games itself the stake is € 2.5 so under € 5. At the end I won € 43,665.80 !!

    When it came to paying out, I got a call that I had violated their bonus terms because the stake was over € 5.
    I kept repeating myself on the phone that I did not exceed THE STAKE because € 200 is NOT the stake and that does not stand under their bonus conditions rules that i’am not allowed to buy bonus games.

    Now I just got the email the payout is invalid and € 43,665.80 are just gone and i got € 1000 back.
    Great casino there. Is there anything I can do?


    English is not my mother tongue, so forgive me for typing errors


    Xbobmad WANTED $732

    A bonus buy of €200 is a €200 bet. How much did it cost to get the feature? €200 so you massively broke the terms of the bonus. The wins are based on a Stake of €2.50 but you paid €200 for it.

    You’re lucky to get the €1000 back to be honest, take more care with the terms next time! if in doubt, ask the casino to confirm first!

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    ??? Fuck sake. Good luck telling them what stands under their bonus terms. You had a limit of €5 and you were staking €200 at a time.

    centipede WANTED $36

    Out of interest, is it only in the UK where you can do what you want with your own money before you enter bonus funds?

    1000 euro, and it was only a 100 bonus. 10%. He could have blitzed through a fair few bonus buys before even hitting bonus money. He may well have not even got that low to trigger it. But we dont know

    MrNickH WANTED $4

    Genesis just had thier license revoked in the UK – maybe only temporarily but still…

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