turn of the tide cancer never sleeps….

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  • #29902
    nostromo332 WANTED $18

    If mr bandit checks his youtube messages for some of my replies from around 27 months ago he will find that i had won £20 pound on one of his draws and i asked for it to be given to cancer uk.  my wife had cancer 3 years ago at xmas, she had a double mastectomy, and all was well for a time, back in september this year the cancer returned, this time in a different place, and another major operation took place.

    like the tide,  cancer can return at any given time and it does not discriminate about who you are.

    my wife was on big money 5 yrs ago(25k plus) but she had to give up work due to ill health.

    when the cancer came the first time we thought it was a one off —- how wrong we were.

    the second time it returned was a blow below the belt, but we will fight on.

    but we have been told that it can return yet again as its a faulty gene in the body.

    i wont go into details but it could be less than 5 yrs for her health to become worse and not have any recovery.we do not have money to spend on lavish things— my gambling stopped 2 years ago and my focus was on what was important — my wife and her life, among other things.

    we get by as i am working a minimum wage job with overtime and with her benefits. we are lucky i suppose.


    we do not ask for help. other people are in a far worse position.

    i know Mr B has done a lot for charity — giving a defibrillator to a hospital for one reason, and giving money away to people in need etc. so good work done and a lot of thanks for that steve.

    i see you have moved home recently ! is it a bigger one or cheaper one (location based). its not important for us to know …… but there is always a reason why, money is not always a reason — location is always a good reason.

    one last thing i hope you have a good xmas this year — it does not have to do with money — but family etc.

    you can make money anywhere but you cant pick your family as you want them to be !!.

    well mr b continue to show us the good, the bad and the ugly side of things, mainly the good ok.





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