thanks bandit ?

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    emma92xo WANTED $5

    just want to say thank you for managing to gets some quality vids up under the current situation’s we all find ourselves in, good to be able to come home from work after 12-13 hour shifts and shut it all off and watch some fun, how’s everyone doing at the moment? We all keeping safe physically and mentally? ?❤

    Toaster1 WANTED $3

    Hi Bandit,

    I would also like to pass my sincere thanks for all the free entertainment you are providing everyone…


    Although we only watch your streams, you are very correct when you quoted in your video that ”We feel your win and losses”.


    I wish you and your family the best of health in these worrying times…X   Thank you also for always keeping it REAL..and being transparent about the fact that slots can ruin people IF they lose control!!   I look forward always to your next streams…your £100k a few weeks was AMAZING!!! 🙂 X











    SlotsCrack WANTED $62

    Bandits vids are entertaining. I mean, come’on. The laughs i have when the guy chrashes on a gamble feature. PISSS.

    Scrooge WANTED $5

    Bandit in one word : Supercalifragilisticexpialidocius !


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