Stop and Step V Nickslots

Stop and Step V Nickslots

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  • Stop and Step83.78%31 votes
  • Nickslots16.22%6 votes
Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)
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  • #91627
    k6kaysix WANTED $51

    “Today I’m going to do a bonus hunt…here is a 10 minute explanation on a 20 minute of what a bonus hunt actually means”


    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $697

    Something so British about the way he reacts to good things ….. gets a big hit on primal ( I think ) response “ oh waw” like somebody had just shown him where the Indicator is in his car is  ….

    Anonymous WANTED $7

    burders wrote:

    Surprised there’s not more love in here for Stop.  Can’t watch the ‘bookies’ stuff I’ll admit but he comes across as a genuinely nice person and I like bonus hunts so all in all get Stop out of that burning building and tell the fire crew there’s nobody else inside, job done!

    Yeah, S&S comes across as a nice guy to me & he seems to really enjoy playing the games.

    He was the 1st slot vlogger I followed back to the day he only did Bookie’s sessions before all the FOBT restrictions came in & he branched out to online play.

    Guffleshuffle87 WANTED $60

    I used to enjoy S&S when he was doing bookies videos. Always found him to be a bit of a simple Simon, but harmless. Then recently he makes me cringe. He is obviously trying to copy other yt’ers with his ‘bonus hunt’ and bonus buy (when you could) videos. It would wind me up listening to him sound absolutely fucking clueless about what he was doing. Collecting an extra chilli bonus at 8 spins multiple times in a row. Or being surprised at every random trigger bonus. It just didn’t seem natural. Then there are the shitty casinos he promotes. The kind that charge you to withdraw your winnings. And THEN there are the fucking overdose of adverts. Fuck me, he peppers his videos with em.

    Basically S&S seems like a simple Simon trying to milk his channel for every penny at the expense of the viewing quality.

    Nick is shit as well though. Running away from his chair at every 100x win. Gimp.

    Jazzee WANTED $14

    NickSlots is so full of shit. I remember around 3 months ago when he says “I don’t know why streamers play high stakes, you don’t need to. 5.00 max it will always be for me, that’s enough”

    A week later 20 quid bets

    Don’t trust the sleezy fucka.

    I do watch Stop & Steps Friday vids but not the bookies ones. They have been shit lately though, he needs to stop the “get every bonus on this 1 game” shit.

    Steller WANTED $34

    Stop and Step and Buddylove were the first ones i started watching, so I’ll always have a soft spot them. Only watch S&S Bookie shop vwe only only only onlyids tho. Gave up on Nickslots very quickly.

    Hypalinx (when not drunk) is another fav of mine. His best mate Trono is a bit of a bore tho. Same few games and gambles over and over.


    argyl53 WANTED $419

    k6kaysix wrote:

    “Today I’m going to do a bonus hunt…here is a 10 minute explanation on a 20 minute of what a bonus hunt actually means”


    It’s not for the viewers, he has to go through it to remind himself, the simple sod. He has an absolutely shite taste in games too.

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Watch the first 10 seconds and tell me this guy didn’t get his money from either a lottery win or a massive inheritance 😀

    DQ2017 WANTED $20

    Literally LOL’d at some of these comments ? Poor S&S bless him.

    Never watched Nick (and won’t bother now after reading these comments!) but started to watch S&S a while back in the absence of Bandit. I don’t mind his videos tbh. But his voice is pretty much mind numbingly dull, and like a PP said, he acts astonished at the most obvious of things ? the indicator stick analogy ?? spot on!!


    I do quite like the bonus hunts but I never get why, after he’s got his 10 bonuses or whatever,  if he’s got money left over he’ll go and rinse it trying to get a bonus on another few slots. I don’t see the point?! Take the £400 profit you’ve made trying to get the 10 bonuses and start playing the other bonuses. It’s so rare he ends up in profit and that’s a prime example why.

    But yes, seems a nice guy but makes me cringe a bit ?

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)