Serious Talk no Drama. Just advice needed.

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  • #49978
    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Hi JB, Welcome back to the forum mate.

    Sorry to hear this – your head must be mashed my friend.

    All I can say is that you cant control people mate. Although it is your dad, only he can decide what decisions he wants to make and all you can do is support him in whatever way you can. If you try to force him to stop drinking, then it will just cause arguments between you and you dont want to spend what could be his last couple of months arguing; might as well try and spend some quality time with him rather than trying to change his ways.

    Don’t feel guilty over the situation – there really is nothing you can do. Just remember the good times you have had with him and try and get a few more decent memories over the near future.

    Always here if you need to chat mate.


    Ezekiel2517 WANTED $15

    Very Sorry to hear this and hard to offer advice, I lost my dad young through Alcoholism, a wonderful kind and generous man, who was portrayed as the total opposite because of his addiction , I hope you find a resolution and comfort with him, whiskt you still have him.

    Kazza78 WANTED $13

    Sorry to hear that JB. Its a very tough situation. As tough as it is to see him drinking, I hope you can get passed it somehow, and enjoy each day that ye have each other.

    Life can be so tough at times, but you’ll get through it. Its great that ye have a good relationship, and i hope the drink will not get in the way too much of that.

    I wish ye both the best of luck, and enjoy your time together.




    Hacko1 WANTED $181

    Sorry to read this message and my heart goes out to you, my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few years back and thankfully he overcame it, it’s the first time I’d seen my old man scared and that did my head in.

    in all honesty mate If it’s what he wants and there’s no stopping him then I’d probably sit and drink with him and set the world to rights.

    all the best mate, stay strong.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Sorry to hear about this. My advice would be to let him live the rest of his time doing what he wants to. If that’s drinking then so be it. All you can do is spend time with him while he’s here, and make memories. Show him that you’re there for him, he might be a bit worried hence the drinking again, so could just be a way of dealing with pain.

    Hope you’re okay x

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