Petition to have bandit make videos 7 days a week

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  • #47146
    BackforAMo WANTED $2

    Title says it all,

    Gonnna need it to happen so I can have a good laugh everyday rather than 1-2x a week.

    Also watching your videos Mr. Bandit helps me limit the amount I play and lose


    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    I’ll give you 100/1 ?. In other words don’t think much chance of that happening. Never say never though.

    BackforAMo WANTED $2

    Haha I know it’s not gonna happen.


    Steller WANTED $34

    I’m a firm believer in the old showbiz saying of always leave the audiance wanting more,  I think Bandits 2 or sometimes  3 a week does that, so he’s got it right.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Think it would get stagnent if he did more than 3 a week mate.

    Im happy with 2-3 ?

    Not saying i wouldn’t watch 7 a week if he did do em ? cos i would!

    Mykal WANTED $2

    Would you be willing to fund him for the videos 7 days a week? Don’t get me wrong I enjoy watching The Bandit, I think the amount he does is fine.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I haven’t seen the bandit post here since the darts, I hope he’s OK and the hangover hasn’t done him in ? can’t wait for the next vid

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    Can I petition for a monthly extended slot session video where we see the spins and have a Q and A of submitted question’s, shout outs for people etc …. There was a vid like that a year or so ago and it was fun ??

    That and the blame JB button

    And .com to be added to the site banner again ?

    And a single slot series on Donuts

    I don’t want much ??

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Friday, Sunday & Wednesdays Sounds good ???

    PeachyMike WANTED $41

    7 videos a week? The way it’s going there’s more chance of one every 7 weeks XD

    jk, love the videos so any will do 😉

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