no video today

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  • #82282
    Alldayerday WANTED $13

    Hey no video today so may I suggest jogging , bike riding, learning to dance salsa, roasting a pig whole, doing butt-stuff with your significant other, getting involved in politics, getting the youth off drugs, cleaning plastic out of the ocean, smoking a fat one and watching graham hancocks joe rogan podcast, learning to cook meth , increasing your testosterone levels with breathing exercise or just fucking urself u fucking Degens get ur shit together ur masking an addiction as a hobby and have issues in your life. just because we all share the same escape we have normalized and accepted waiting on a fucking machine that was designed for the sole purpose of taking our money and then bitching on forums about us not being happy when it does. other than all that everyone have a good week.

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    My day involves baby Xbob dressed as a kitty cat asleep on me so far ?

    Guffleshuffle87 WANTED $60

    Absolutely normal thing to do to jump on a gambling channel forum at 08:00 and post this. 😉

    Alldayerday WANTED $13

    absolutely normal to have let addiction get such a strong grip on you, you need to come on gambling forums to have it normalized to keep re enforcing “I don’t have a problem , everyones doing it see” . snow white stole my sleep unfortunately last night 🙁

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    What am I going to watch to pass the time at my in laws now ??

    benq99 WANTED $229

    i will watch a nick slots video will send me to sleep

    mattowl1867 WANTED $34

    Couldn’t sleep well either last night so watched some Stop and Step, it’s almost on parr with Blue Planet and Attenborough … both help me sleep well ha.

    Woke up today with the stupid gambler inside me thinking ‘only got a hundred quid on me let’s go bookies ‘…. erm, no.


    Gone and bought a ticket from Chester to Sheffield to visit family for two days : )


    Really begrudge the daft gamblers mindset at times… i think watching streamers at times helps but also other times, edges me towards intrusive thoughts .


    Time for a Guinness soon in sunny Sheff….

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    It actually is sunny in sheffield today.. for once haha! Which part of Sheffield are you visiting?

    Good on you for booking train tickets instead of the bookies 🙂

    mattowl1867 WANTED $34



    Yes the sun is out!


    Can’t beat Sheffield on a clean crisp autumn day.


    I grew up all over but mostly Woodhouse for school then High Green until i left for Salford university in 2007!

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Nice, I’m at intake so not far away from woodhouse! Crisp day indeed 🙂

    Alldayerday WANTED $13

    the worst thing that can happen to anyone who decides to gamble is when u set yourself a limit lets say 100 then losing that and convincing yourself for a last 20 and then that 20 becoming something lets say 250 . brain gets programmed into thinking the pleasure isn’t until after breaking the limit.

    or being on the fence about gambling and then doing it and winning.

    makes it hard as hell to ever walk out.


    used to use the excuse “if i go out with friends drinking im surely going to lose this money but if i go to a casino theres a chance im walking out way up” because every now n then it was the case.


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