Life changing idea for Mr Sir Bandit

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  • #125691
    mismatchedyes WANTED $3

    Hello Mr Sir Bandit.

    I think I can help make your life easier and more productive.

    In your recent video you went to get a Red Bull during playing a Money Train 3 bonus.

    I noticed it took you around 29 seconds to leave a return with your cold beverage.

    Red bull comes in packs of 4, 8 or 12.  Due to your propensity to max everything out I can only assume you purchase (at least one) 12 pack at a time.

    Now assuming you drink the twelve cans while playing it seems to me that you are not only expending valuable energy you are also losing time.  Now assuming your 29 seconds was actually a fairly quick time (as you’d already had at least some red bull by that point.)  It means you could be losing at least 6 minutes per pack in collecting your ice cold beverages from the fridge.

    More serious than this however is that excess calories burnt.  Going up stairs burns up to 835 calories per hour.  Assuming you are doing so for at least half of the six minutes of time you could be losing around 50 calories of body energy, approximately half a Freddo chocolate.

    Fear not!  Through my extremely high level of intelligence I have found you a solution.  Not only would you be saving potential minutes each day but you would also not have to replace the lost calories.

    Simply purchase an upstairs drinks fridge.

    PS you can get one that looks like a petrol pump hahaha

    Hope this helps.


    PPS Also purchase an an conditioning unit.  If it turns out to be a hot summer the

    y get sold out then impossible to buy.  It needs a power plug and open window which you place the included pipe out of to send out the hot air.  You will be amazed at how ridiculously amazing it is when you can make it cold when everyone else is sweltering.




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