Kickbacks for Affiliation

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    bigbucks1983 WANTED $46

    Chip now represents to me everything that is wrong with gambling videos. I literally only watch his videos to call him out on his BS and hopefully highlight to others the shysters he is.

    Seems this year he has doubled down his antics but my biggest bug bear is how he misrepresents gambling,

    *Throwing up video after video of high stakes wins. ‘Oh here’s ten grands worth of max stake wins i forgot about’, he’s full of rubbish.

    *I only do high stakes once in a while when nearly every week he’s max staking something.

    *Hardly ever mentions responsible gambling.

    *Put up a staged loss video to make it seem balanced.

    *Promotes any casino he can, especially if he’s the only one promoting it. I think one has a max 4x deposit cash out from bonus winnings

    *Caught promoting dodgy casinos before and only took them down after public outcry.

    *clickbaits nearly every video for views. ‘Monster win’, turns out to be 100x. Begs for likes.

    Thats a few of the things I can remember off the top of my head, that’s not even starting on his personality which I just find needy and pathetic. He basically bullies Jordan who is a nice lad (thick as 2 short planks), they might be mates but chip gets a proper sulk on if he is the butt of the jokes. He also knows Jordans value since he’s got him on a contract for 5 years stopping him going on his own. He constantly brags about anything he’s doing, he’s a dumpy middle aged man but he goes on like he’s Ronaldo after starting playing football or Ali now he’s doing some boxing, zero humility. It’s insulting to think we’d believe him.

    As you may have guessed I don’t like him, I think he’s an insecure man only fussed about money with zero care over his actions.

    Sorry for the rant.

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    Yeah I used to watch him but then I found out he was promoting sites with horrendous bonus terms and didn’t stop until people brought it up. Jimbo did it recently and chip was like “i didn’t know I’ve stopped promoting them now” no need to lie just be transparent.

    MaskWearer WANTED $42

    Well said @bigbucks1983 – although the twat does regularly mention responsible gambling, more than most streamers. What he does afterward though is the opposite of responsible gambling

    Every time he gets a win he RAISES THE STAKES. This is a message to his viewers that anytime they win they must raise the stakes until they lose or hit a monster (which rarely if ever happens)

    The twat constantly preaches one thing and does the opposite, all while maintaining his knight in shining armour routine

    You are totally correct about Jord and how Chip bullies him. And why MDS would have any love for that man or even be able to tolerate him, I’m really not sure. He acts like a prick constantly towards Jord and MDS. The jealousy and resentment of youth, happiness and an innocent soul. FWIW I think MDS will totally take advantage of Jord, but that’s what women generally do so whatever, I’m pretty sure Jord is happy with the returns he is getting ;-))

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    What is MDS,  short for , hope it’s nothing vulgar.

    MaskWearer WANTED $42

    thunderball6 wrote:

    What is MDS,  short for , hope it’s nothing vulgar.

    Well yes, it is quite vulgar but it is the chosen screen name of Jordan’s Scottish girlfriend. The acronym MDS = Miss Dirty Slots

    Again I will stress that is the name she chose for herself and I’ll leave it up to your imagination as to why Jord found that attractive

    Jimbo19911 WANTED $10

    The guy in general is dodgy before lockdown he was doing small stakes and couldnt get a win for shit but now hes doing £40 spins and has the nerve to say “dont do this guys this is from profit always gamble responsibile” the guy doesnt give a shit if people gamble responsible unless youre not using his dodgy casinos, i just really dont like how he glamourises gamble with captions like “SUPER MASSIVE WIN”

    what normal person can piss £2000 a day on slots?

    doesnt make sense

    He bullys jordan alot and doesnt like being the brunt of the joke

    The guy is a bellend full stop

    bigbucks1983 WANTED $46

    He does mention responsible gambling but does not do enough in my eyes. He should be hammering home not to try and copy him and that he plays and loses (when he shows it) within his means. I think I was probably getting more towards everything he does latelu misrepresents or hides the pitfalls of gambling so gives an absolutely bias view of winning which will lead people to copying him. The odd, gamble responsibly statement does nothing to balance everything else he does to contradict it.

    He seems thoroughly disinterested now unless he’s playing high stakes, you’ll notice Jordan playing more n more on his own or chip in the background looking bored.

    I might be wrong but i think he has developed a real problem with gambling though, he seems to do a lot of high stakes offline and he can’t be winning. He doesn’t strike me as being like Rolla or bandit who have always gambled how they do, on stream or off, and I think its gonna catch up with him.

    I didn’t realise that Jordans Mrs was MDS… she’s always been lurking in various comments sections. Yeah I agree with you, call me cynical but I wouldnt be surprised if there was a motive there. All to convenient isn’t it.

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who has this opinion of the channel.

    Jimbo19911 WANTED $10

    Yeah i agree with that, he is very selective on the comments on his youtube channel he never approves my comments as im talking the truth but will approve comments like ” Well done chip lad” and other people suckin his cock.

    The amount he gambles on a daily basis is roughly £2000 but spreads it out on sites like “awesome spins” “jungle spins” sites no one has ever heard of it doesnt make sense how can someone lose that amount of money a day and not be phased by it? there is no emotion in him when he wins big but when you see people like bandit and rolla you can feel and see the emotion.

    He out of all the streamers i have the biggest problem with for the main reason he glamourises gambling to the full extent where are the loss videos when hes gambling offline on big stakes? it seems to be “oh forgot i had this video on a £20 stake bonus that paid £10000” who forgets that?

    End of day he is a fat middle aged man with the banter of a fucking child

    Dc39 WANTED $74

    I have always been vocal of my utter contempt i have for chip, absolute bellend of a human, if jord had any form of backbone about him he would just knock the fat prick out, been said here before its basically bullying, if its attempted  banter then he fails miserably at it but if he spoke about my missus like that he would be out cold…..he’s a huffy fuck too, no idea why people keep watching him……


    thfc11888 WANTED $1

    Chip is the most cringiest streamer about, hes obsessed with begging for likes his new thing is to comment and like his video and you could win a £25 voucher!

    geezers about late 40s act your fucking age pal

    also treats jordan like a piece of shit most of the time this is the look he gives him whenever he doesnt have one spin after a bonus

    Tarzan WANTED $1

    The bit i dont get is if he is playing with real money where does it come from. Does affiliation pay that much, he only gets like 12-15k views each youtube vid,has to pay jord,himself, editors his daughter and deposit on the chosen dodgy casino all of a few youtube likes and views, never has he ever had a youtube ban when all others did and now plays very high stakes when a year ago was the standard £2 max, very dodgy streamer whos acting is not that good

    benq99 WANTED $229
    MaskWearer WANTED $42

    @benq99 – i have so many questions but I’m more convinced than ever that Chip is a scumbag.

    If Chip is making that sort of money I’m sure other streamers have done better. With the stakes Bandit plays and losses you would be inclined to believe he was a millionaire a few times over perhaps

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Ohh chips getting rinsed !

    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    I try and keep out of other YouTube specific stuff because it had once turned into me getting trolled irl,  but if you’ve got a problem with chip then talk to the guy on twitter rather than muddying the forums for no reason ?

    If it’s simply affiliation then it’s everywhere so if you’re not happy with it then don’t click any links to buy anything ever.

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