Kickbacks for Affiliation

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  • #104507
    Xbobmad WANTED $729

    Dc39 wrote:

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Dc39 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    I see that anyone who wants to  watch his videos has to sign in now.

    Well according to chip u can only watch his videos if u subscribe, complete lies as usual from him, dodgy casinos, blocks any negative comment, lies about his deposits and losses, epitomises everything that gives streamers a bad name!!

    Agegated. If it’s a video of an affiliated casino its got to be agegated 18+ now.

    You’re ripping the guy for doing it right by the latest rules

    No im ripping him for lying and being a dodgy bastard, he quite clearly says time and time again the only way u can watch his video is if you subscribe which is not true, just search for the clown and u can watch, another pathetic attempt to feed his ego and get his sub count up, vile human, how jord hasn’t leathered him yet for the way he speaks to him or about his bird is beyond me!

    It’s AGE GATED if you search for him without being logged in, you can’t view the latest videos.

    This is stupid, there’s obviously an agenda against the guy. Why are you spreading the shit here? This is Bandits personal website, nothing to do with chipmonkz.

    It comes to something when Bandit has fucking coronavirus and all the forum is interested in is hammering another content creator.

Viewing 136 post (of 136 total)

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