is it my equipment ?

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  • #132669
    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    so i was like…. i fancy trying a new casino…and since bandit has a link to the hey spin casino i thought …why not…

    its ok as a casino ..its missing quite  a few popular games but its fine

    my issue with it is it runs like absolute shit, uber slow,  it search glitches when you look for games, you can walk off for a coffee as ..adds…every…single …letter… the ….search …bar….it’ll multiple throw you out of games, it’ll constantly ask you to sign up when you enter the home page ( even when logged in ) tonnes of little slow down moments, crashes … it runs like a one legged hamster on a square wheel…. but is it my equipment ?

    i cant imagine why  my iphone or chromebook would have issues with the site and they both run different operating system…. but is it my equipment or is it just a turd build on their web site? ( and yes i’m too lazy to see if it’ll run well on my laptop)

    A_Secret WANTED $3

    I have a similar issue with PP – it doesn’t sound as bad as yours, but it likes to kick you out of games and reload.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $705

    A_Secret wrote:

    I have a similar issue with PP – it doesn’t sound as bad as yours, but it likes to kick you out of games and reload.

    this boots me out, forgets the game it was playing, forgets what casino it is ,  gives me a message about ” 2 games playing same time “, urinates on it self and sits there rocking backward and forward

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