Gambling has ruined me

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    Drake387 WANTED $1

    starting off by saying I’m 18, in 2 grand debt with overdraft and around £400 over two credit cards. I started gambling very young around 16-17 I lied about my age and wasn’t ever allowed to withdraw but I didn’t care was really the thrill. There was also a game called counterstrike you could gamble items you got in the game worth real life money on illegal gambling sites for a while this is how my addiction started. I turned 18 in November kept upping my overdraft until it hit 2 grand.i was making around £400-450 a week at work at the time until I was laid off for a petty reason (having a earphone in while i was driving a fork lift) I feel sick and stuck I have been stupid with what I have done keep saying I won’t gamble but I end up doing now and then cause I feel it’s  the only way to get money, I have no qualifications so it’s hard to get a job but I’m being charged around £3 a day from my bank for the maxed out 2 grand overdraft and also getting charge whenever capticalone is charging. Anyone have any advice what I should do in this situation I feel lost and depressed, I have always had a addictive personality but gambling has literally fucked my life up


    fuck gambling

    The devil WANTED $76

    I understand where you are coming from but what I don’t understand was depositing money knowing if you were to hit a monster win or something like that you couldn’t withdraw, you say it’s the thrill which I get that but surely the thrill for any gambler realistically is winning on any session so before you even started playing you’d already lost so not being harsh but no wonder your in debt mate, it’s a bit stupid really, sorry for your situation and I do have some sympathy but I can’t understand the depositing but can’t withdraw part your kinda asking for your money to be taking off you really!

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Drake387 wrote:

    starting off by saying I’m 18, in 2 grand debt with overdraft and around £400 over two credit cards. I started gambling very young around 16-17 I lied about my age and wasn’t ever allowed to withdraw but I didn’t care was really the thrill. There was also a game called counterstrike you could gamble items you got in the game worth real life money on illegal gambling sites for a while this is how my addiction started. I turned 18 in November kept upping my overdraft until it hit 2 grand.i was making around £400-450 a week at work at the time until I was laid off for a petty reason (having a earphone in while i was driving a fork lift) I feel sick and stuck I have been stupid with what I have done keep saying I won’t gamble but I end up doing now and then cause I feel it’s  the only way to get money, I have no qualifications so it’s hard to get a job but I’m being charged around £3 a day from my bank for the maxed out 2 grand overdraft and also getting charge whenever capticalone is charging. Anyone have any advice what I should do in this situation I feel lost and depressed, I have always had a addictive personality but gambling has literally fucked my life up


    fuck gambling

    GA and gamban/gamstop will make it difficult to gamble although you still need the will power.. Also you obviously have a fork lift licence and experience in that kind of stuff so you shouldnt be to stuck for work..


    If you could never withdraw due to being underage should they not also have to refund the deposits as theyve literally taken money from someone whos legally not allowed to use their services in anyway.. Dunno how that law works but it would make sense to have every transaction voided to keep it legal

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    For starters open a brand new account at another bank. Don’t ignore the other account which is overdrawn. Speak to them and ask them to freeze any interest. Try and set up a payment plan to pay them back. Don’t offer too much and don’t leave yourself short. They may sell the debt on which is fine as you may be able to pay the balance off with a big discount. I offered a company £250 once who had bought a debt of mine from hsbc which was an overdraft. They accepted as full payment but downside was staying on my credit report for 6 years though. Don’t ignore any letters and keep in contact with them. Good luck.

    Liberty WANTED $132

    Firstly take a deep breath. It seems terrible but its completely possible to get out of this and lots of people have suffered worse

    1-gamstop as long as you can exclusion

    2-contact the banks that you owe money too and d domain you are in financial difficulty, they will ask your income and expenditure and talk you through your options. Most likely a freeze on costs and a repayment plan from the sounds of things..

    3-talk to your family about your problem

    4-relax.. You’ve done all you can, get a job, forget about gambling, it’s not for you. You have a compulsive addictive nature. Manage it. You are young and can recover from this. You just need to avoid gambling, you aren’t missing out much.. Lead a full and happy life and one day you’ll look back on this and realise it was a great thing that happened to you. Better now than when you are 30 or 40 married with kids, you’ve just set yourself back a bit that’s all  Plenty of time to rectify it .. Just avoid gambling

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Drake387 wrote:

    starting off by saying I’m 18, in 2 grand debt with overdraft and around £400 over two credit cards. I started gambling very young around 16-17 I lied about my age and wasn’t ever allowed to withdraw but I didn’t care was really the thrill. There was also a game called counterstrike you could gamble items you got in the game worth real life money on illegal gambling sites for a while this is how my addiction started. I turned 18 in November kept upping my overdraft until it hit 2 grand.i was making around £400-450 a week at work at the time until I was laid off for a petty reason (having a earphone in while i was driving a fork lift) I feel sick and stuck I have been stupid with what I have done keep saying I won’t gamble but I end up doing now and then cause I feel it’s  the only way to get money, I have no qualifications so it’s hard to get a job but I’m being charged around £3 a day from my bank for the maxed out 2 grand overdraft and also getting charge whenever capticalone is charging. Anyone have any advice what I should do in this situation I feel lost and depressed, I have always had a addictive personality but gambling has literally fucked my life up


    fuck gambling

    Hey drake ,

    there is a company called resolver .

    if it is quite apparent that the overdraft was being used for gambling .ie card transactions from bookies you could possibly put in a complaint about irresponsible lending from the bank .

    i am currently doing this at my bank as for a while went from a 200 overdraft to £2000 overdraft in less than 4 weeks increasing sometimes twice in 1 day .

    it may come to nothing but give it a try .

    hope this helps Keep your chin up as self realisation is the first step to self control

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Forget about the debt. Open another account at another bank. Move house…and don’t answer the door without looking out ya window.

    Dont get all scared about a bit of debt. You cant go to prison for it mate.

    And Yeah get gamban and go to gamblers Anonymous asap once a week.

    Boom sorted.

    Luv Jb ?

    Anonymous WANTED $7

    Sorry to hear your situation.

    Would recommend Gamstop. All accounts will be blocked, you’ll be blocked from making any new accounts & most promo emails will stop & this will start to happen just a few hours from when you self exclude.

    That isn’t too much debt there. I’m sure you’ll be able to come to some kind of arrangement with your creditors or you could go to a debt charity for free advice. Step change are good.

    Hope you get it all sorted out.

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