Betfair review – Verification hell

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  • #26511
    irtandm WANTED $3

    Joined Betfair this month using the Bandits link, thought it was time to give another Casino a bash. Registered and smashed a deposit in but after a few spins (maybe 10) on the first slot my account was locked and verification required… Fair enough, sent the documents and was spinning away 2 days later. This time, I had a great run and got up to 4K on Skulls. So I submitted my Withdrawl and as expected, they were rejected and time for round 2 of verification, this time it’s the cards.

    Well, guess what 1.5 weeks after sending all documents, I’ve still not received a response from the accounts verification team, messaged the chat support several times (who are all lovely) but they can’t help, their managers always gets in touch/escalates the issue with the right team as it’s been “to long” (response time is 72 hours for verification) but no, not moving.

    I’m at the point where I’m confused what to do, anyone had an experience like this?

    Honestly, Betfair is not worth the verification nightmare, many Casinos out there with a much better and swift service…

    I’ll update if anyone is curious on what will play out.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    All i could suggest is just resend all the documents again and may get a quicker respose from a different staff member dealing with the verification process. Personally betfair was very quick for me. I did have a similar issue with casimba which took 5 weeks to get my withdrawal on their sign up offer. Keep at them and am sure you will get it sorted mate ?

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Yeah send them off again. They were really fast with mine .

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    irtandm wrote:

    Joined Betfair this month using the Bandits link, thought it was time to give another Casino a bash. Registered and smashed a deposit in but after a few spins (maybe 10) on the first slot my account was locked and verification required… Fair enough, sent the documents and was spinning away 2 days later. This time, I had a great run and got up to 4K on Skulls. So I submitted my Withdrawl and as expected, they were rejected and time for round 2 of verification, this time it’s the cards.

    Well, guess what 1.5 weeks after sending all documents, I’ve still not received a response from the accounts verification team, messaged the chat support several times (who are all lovely) but they can’t help, their managers always gets in touch/escalates the issue with the right team as it’s been “to long” (response time is 72 hours for verification) but no, not moving.

    I’m at the point where I’m confused what to do, anyone had an experience like this?

    Honestly, Betfair is not worth the verification nightmare, many Casinos out there with a much better and swift service…

    I’ll update if anyone is curious on what will play out.

    This is probably the hundredth story ive seen here about the corruption and red tape involved in verification/withdrawels. Its so obvious what they are doing.Trying every trick in the book not to pay you. For your sake mate i hope they do, and i’m sure they will.

    But they “100% know” that there will be a few that really cant be arsed with going through all the back and forth, waiting weeks/months to get there winnings. And they make a fortune off it.

    Its part of the way they work. Just like an insurance company.

    But its the law. Which is just wrong.

    The law needs to change today. Cos most of the laws in place right now are put in place to protect the fraudulent Casinos and not the customer.

    Hope ya get ya money pal.

    irtandm WANTED $3

    Just took this advice and resubmitted the documents. Hopefully that speeds it up!

    irtandm WANTED $3

    Yeah honestly, it’s pretty shocking. Half expecting them to lock me out on some bullshit claim I’ll have to appeal after reading through this and other forums…  I had the exact same situation but no complaints with them though, verified at Withdrawal in 24 hours so recommend them.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    I had no problem with my own verification at Betfair, it was pretty quick and easy and that was several years before i ever promoted them before any wise ass pipes up with any affiliate bullshit. I would just keep emailing them or maybe phone up their customer service, dragging their feet on anything isn’t really acceptable. Are you sure they received everything you sent and that there are no replies asking for further info sat in any junk email folder as i have had that before with casinos and assumed there was some huge delay and it has just been a case that i missed an email and i was waiting for them and they were waiting for me.

    irtandm WANTED $3

    Just had an email today saying I’m good to go , took almost 2 weeks but the funds have now been withdrawn 🙂 Success

    The Bandit WANTED $5,407
    El Bandito

    Two weeks is gash and i personally wouldn’t bother there again because of that – simply has to be better, it is a very competitive world the online casino world eh, 2 fucking weeks!

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