Beavis & Butthead

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  • #72801
    Mattyr27 WANTED $2

    Bandit do me a big  favour  Please get the top  feature  On the game I been playing it for like 2 weeks now and I just can’t get it it’s doing my nut in I only been playing it on like 60p spins just to try and get it and it’s had over 700 pound off me over these last few weeks  I really what to see what it is lol so it’s down to you to show me  Stevie boy  As I give up

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    From what I understand its worth taking the free spins and not going for the top feature via gambling but getting it from collecting the tokens during the free spins.

    Liberty WANTED $132

    I found I site where you can trigger the top bonus. Or indeed any of them. It’s crap, just a pick one of 3 ram skulls and more along a ladder of 1x 5x 10x etc.

    The features are more fun and you can trust the top features in them too.


    I love the slot, went from £20 to £280 on it a week ago. Whoop.

    ligarr WANTED $82

    garbage slot…max win 1000x…times have moved on:)

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