Bandit live stream?

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  • #13634
    themagics92 WANTED $4

    @thebandit I think you should do a live stream personally maybe once a month now that YouTube has disappeared shall we say…

    you don’t have to use a webcam just do what @hypacasino does play the slots and voice over but live, some of your amazing wins would be epic to see live on stream :D! it would also drive traffic to and from your website as you can add twitch player to your site so people can watch on twitch you live but on your site.

    it’s up to you but personally I think you’d make a brilliant streamer on a part time basis as I say like once a month or every 2 months or something you’d feel comfortable with 😛


    should he do the odd live stream
    Yes/No!? 🙂

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    I’m with you there magic lad (or lass)! I guess it’s ultimately down to if El Bandito is comfortable doing them. I know he has a young nipper and having 3 or 4 hours un-interrupted time during a day would be very hard (speaking as a dad of an 8 month old). It certainly would be a crowd pleaser though IMO.

    Jayjay230 WANTED $32

    Definitely would be ace just once a month or even bk on the big screen would be great 🙂

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