5 month gamble free

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  • #74974
    Proddylegend WANTED $22

    5 month gamble free that might not seem like an achivement to some but I usta slot every day (doing my balls in) , just wonna say thanks bandit for my weekly gamble fix !!!!

    ayma4quit WANTED $47

    Proddylegend wrote:

    5 month gamble free that might not seem like an achivement to some but I usta slot every day (doing my balls in) , just wonna say thanks bandit for my weekly gamble fix !!!!

    Brilliant achievement mate, well done and long may it continue?

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Well done! Nearly half a year, you should be proud 🙂

    Haz40 WANTED $1,166

    Gtfit awesome achievement. Takes great will power to go all that time away from gambling. ???

    mattowl1867 WANTED $34

    Congratulations! You must feel great?


    Do you feel any ‘different’?


    Well done once more.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)