4th June 2018 at 3:03 pm
Never had more than £10 on the lottery draws, but had £100 on a scratcher, in the only winning month of the last 10 years (December ’17). Same month was also – Two bandit draw winnings (£500 Video Slots Draw, £111 neighbours on Energy Draw), and a £3200 cashout on Video Slots from £7 casino race winnings. Christmas was pretty epic ?
£3200 cash out from £7?! Bloody hell mate. I won a bandit draw back in November actually – 3rd prize on the Videoslots draw.
Seems like you just attract the winners mate. Better get buying those lotto tickets ?
Mark S
It’s the power of a DHV 666 Wild on the first spin… One of those days where everything I span bonused and picked a great one. I’ve had no luck since though lol 😀