Wild Swarm… I’m in it’s clutches!

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    Legendary Hamster WANTED $6

    I think I need locking up 🙁

    I’ve managed to build the Swarm up to maximum and have ploughed over £2k into the fekker on a £6 stake and must be over 100 bees in with nothing happening!

    I managed to get it to trigger on a £10 stake on another site and it gave me 30x and a boost back up to level 4 (which I then “re-invested” my £300 into and get it to max again) but it’s ripping my dick off…

    It feels like I need to keep going but if/when they finally trigger then I’m taking whatever it gives me, blocking my accounts and running away.

    I feel such a nob for getting into this position 🙁

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Just be careful with it mate. There have been some right horror stories on here regarding wild swarm. I think Yid went over 900 bees in total and it still didn’t swarm for him.

    Legendary Hamster WANTED $6

    Hiya mate, thanks for the reply.

    Yeah, I’m a long time lurker and have read a couple of horror stories but you get it into your head that it’s coming and once it’s in there, you probably know how hard it is to get it out of your head…

    I think my “plan” is to limit myself to a monthly budget which I can afford and do some big spins but at the same time I keep thinking I should just run it at a couple of quid to trigger it and then run but it feels like a waste considering the money I’ve ploughed into it.

    I’m just triggered now and need to keep locking my accounts when the budget dries up or I know I’ll be a dick.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Just have it as one of them games where you put a few quid in every now and again if your on a winning session mate. It really can be brutal as fuck and as you know even when it triggers if it gives you a 30x it’s another kick in the bollocks.

    Let us know how you get on with it if you decide to go back.

    Or write it off and join gamban

    Legendary Hamster WANTED $6

    I think I’ll stick it out for a bit… I’ve already put a temp ban on myself on the sites in question as I don’t want to put more money in and lose it. I’m being quite canny and staying out of debt and saving, I don’t want to change that.

    I’d love it to trigger on a tenner on both sites and give me 1000x but I think that on larger stakes that’s unlikely.

    Hey ho, it’ll be “fun” to add it on here though I guess 🙂

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Have you got the swarm maxed on two different sites mate? Last post confused me hahaha

    Legendary Hamster WANTED $6

    Ah sorry, yes. I have it on Winning Rooms and Slots Million.

    I had intended originally to just pop them on £2 but it took a while so ramped the stake up thinking it was due… If I had the chance to travel back in time lol.

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    I have a max one on casumo… cost me £75 quid to get.. but all i do, is a few £2 spins now and then.

    My first session the bastard thing gobbled £300, with a 1 x bonus, that paid 2 x !!!. for a grand total of about 5 bees !

    fuck that for a game of soldiers.



    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Trying to get it on two separate sites could be very dangerous mate. Be careful with this as it is such a volatile game. I really hope they go big for you mate.

    Legendary Hamster WANTED $6

    I actually managed to get both maxed out for less than £30 each on 20p spins originally. Now they’re just hovering money up.

    I think that in reality, I’ll just go back to either £2-4 spins but limit myself to say 50 spins per month until they pop.

    Legendary Hamster WANTED $6

    The potential is there, I just need to resist the temptation to be a tit and throw everything at them as in all probability they’ll only give less than 100x (but hopefully not).

    mungo WANTED $7

    hope you swarm soon…Im waiting.on 20p got to near max and went up to 40p .i do a bit at a time just go there with my last £4 or 5… on 20p and 40p play  mix it up , hope for best.  .had 30 odd bees so far..it will come dont chase it…

    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    I haven’t played this yet but the plan of just a budget for the game rather than getting drawn in and spending to much sounds like a great idea. That’s how these games get you by getting the “It has to be due” mentality noticed a lot of slots do that though with bonus teases.

    Mondayblues23 WANTED $39

    Good luck and hope they pay off eventually for you mate

    Legendary Hamster WANTED $6

    The only reason I play it is because I had a great win on a 40p stake, I got a swarm after running it up on 20p (which took the whole of about £20 at the time) and got a bonkers swarm when it almost filled the screen with wilds and kept dropping in chests for either more spins or massive multipliers (250x on two occasions) and finished off with just under £800 🙂

    After that I just went degen…

    I’ll be honest, it has actually been quite fun as I’ve had some great base game wins and it’s stomach churning when you get a chest on a £10 spin with the chance to get a 150x multiplier, but sadly now I’m in chase mode – not a good place to be – but it is still money I can afford to lose despite how annoying it has become.

    A budget for the game will keep it this way 😉

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