So I have downloaded Gamban

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  • #28131
    A Cornish God WANTED $1

    Hi, My name is Jack and I have been in a really dark place recently due to gambling, it has taken me quite a lot to bring myself to talk about this on a public forum but I feel it’s needed…

    I don’t earn a lot of money through working at a local shop and I end up in my overdraft every payday.. in my head to try and make myself more financially stable I turned to gambling on games such as Blackjack.. first I would deposit £5.. loose.. another £5.. loose… £10 loose… £20… ect you get the idea, next minute I’m £100 down out of no where and I feel so pissed off with myself and start to hate myself which then leads to me feeling like a failure and depressed.. baring in mind I’m only 22.. I then struggle for the rest of the month just trying to even buy food or fuel for my car.. but I have decided to take a step forward and have used The Bandits promo code for Gamban and have self excluded myself from gambling sites using Gamstop… I hope this is the start of something better, I need to just accept my losses and think that I’m not going to loose anymore!


    Fudwoods WANTED $53

    Must feel good to finally get it out mate, it’s the first step, congrats on using Gambian and gamstop it’s the best thing if you are starting to lose control, we have all been there but you come out the other side much better if you take that initial step, hopefully you haven’t gotten the payday loans and started to sell your stuff to start funding it, it is a horrible disease if it gets you, some people can take gambling for what it is but I’m a bit like you, I’m 32 and been in some dark places through gambling, it becomes all you know, you lose friends, confidence, self love and sometimes the will to live, well done on doing something about it, the dark places will stop and you can live with a smile, good luck

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